
Last 3 weeks of sales for 360 vs PS3 in Japan (according to MC):

This looks really nice. I feel bad that I haven't played a Star Ocean game yet :(

Anyone who thinks Koller is saying ONLY 12 year olds own the DS isn't very intelligent and from the looks of things there are a lot of unintellgent commenters here on Kotaku.

I love how people are interpreting so much from so little. Keep it up folks, you're just showing your own bias and hate.

I honestly think the DSi is the most uneeded productI've seen in years. The DS Lite was needed because Nintendo was actually losing a bit of steam to the PSP, but with the DS lite they dominated.

I can't imagine having a DS Phat and not being tempted by the DS lite. It is eons better in terms of aesthetics, form, and function. If I owned a Phat, I'd get rid of it and order a DS Lite the day it came out.

I'll be honest, the number one reason I didn't buy a 360 years ago and still till this day is the RROD. I also didn't like the way Microsoft was dishonest about it at first, denying it even existed.

This feels like a complete Bait and Switch to me. I bet there are a lot of people who pre-ordered the game and don't check out sites like this to know how much their purchase has been gimped.

Unless I've missed it, not one person so far has commented on what Crecente and Mcwhertor are talking about but rather that they're doing a video podcast. I think that's sort of unfortunate since the whole purpose of a video podcast is to create commentary, not just "Ohhh Awesome Team Fortress!!111"

As much as I love Solid Abe, I'd have to give my vote to the Link one. They put so much work into it. It'd feel so wrong if the single penny one beat out the others.

Anyone surprised by this? Anyone? No. Okay then.

If ain't broke....

I bow to the contestants, you all did such a great job.