
There was also a Vesperia bundle over there (smart move by Microsoft) so hardware sales should be pretty high. Well high by 360 standards in Japan. I'd say 30K or so

He's the type of person we don't want representing mankind. He should be on Project Darwin Awards instead.

I love how people always go to the whole "I'm a Sony fanboy" thing when I bring up actual good points, and similar views from actual 360 owners. I'm sure it's my sony fanboysism that made me say I don't like the LBP cover too huh?

"The '2008 State Of Game Development Survey' report is now available for paid digital download for a price of US $2,495"

Those numbers would look a lot less jumbled up if they were put into a nice little chart ;)

Man, blades are so ugly and dated looking. I'm glad Microsoft is redesigning the interface. The new one looks so much better. What's disturbing is you guys have to PAY for a theme. WTF is up with that?

Luke you should have clarified that this is the UK boxart. That doesn't gurantee that it's the worldwide one. Frankly, I hope it's not. I hope the one I posted above is used instead.

Pretty sure they said the 10 year plan for PSP a while back.

Of all people here, I'm going to say I don't like it as much as the previous placeholder one. I don't like the way Sackboy looks on the cover here. He looks kind of evil rather than cute. And the box is just too messy.

He should change his name to Revolution to complete the circle of irony