
lol@ Microsoft's Cease and Desist letter. It's like they're new to the internet or something.

It's like those training scenes from Full Metal Jacket, but more sci-fi and stuff!

Yep, I'm positive you can load your own. These types of players have been around for years.

Yes, because the target audience for this is really visiting [] on a regular basis. Real smart GS, real smart. All will be forgiven after pictures of hot girls playing Madden have been uploaded to your site.

15,000 hours of homebrew development looks like shit.

Crecemte you kinda came off as a Soda elitist there, lol.

I think only a few people deserve the honor. Among them I'd say Sid Meier (who does this already), Will Wright, and probably Kojima.

Oh fuck off. don't these regions have a ratings system? What's the point of having that again? Oh right to ensure that mature games are properly labeled for the right audience.