Sweet. I'll probably get it for my PSP
Sweet. I'll probably get it for my PSP
THIS JUST IN: The Favre Jets cover is a PS3 Exclusive! Way to go Sony on securing one!
To add, it's just idiotic to raise the price to compensate for a lack of publicity. Why should consumers suffer when that's an issue between Blow and Microsoft? It's sad that that controversy actually created FREE publicity for the game, and contributed to the sales of this inflated priced game.
Blow is a whiny little bitch i swear. Every time I read something of his, he's complaining and demanding more. He acts like he's some special case or something and like every other indie developer isn't going through the same shit. Even if the game is great, I would not buy it solely based on how much of a whiner the…
This is how I rank them:
Jeeze Fahey, thanks for mentioning that scar on her knee. I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise. You'd think they'd airbrush that out for the promo shot
Literally the only game I want from the 360 library. Well, eventually I'll want some of those Square RPG's like Tales of Vesperia, but I will be quite happy with Dead Rising on the PS3.