Edie Beale's Costume

This story makes Jussie Smollett so happy.

Jessi because same, except black rather than asian.

I can quote lines from memory too! Except they are from the opening credits of Renegade (“He was a cop, and good at his job...”). So maybe, just maybe, if I try super hard, one day I too can commit massive fraud and endanger thousands of lives! #GOALS

If she wanted to name drop, it would’ve been far more credible if she said she was the great great grand-niece of H.H. Holmes.

I was listening too. That anecdote is so absurd and hilarious.  Another one that was just like, “Huh?”, was her last place track start status.  What a strange case she is. 

Because it does not always snow off shift. That road is westbound I-94 in Maplewood right at McKnight Road, you can see the 3-M corporate headquarters in the background. Along this stretch I-94 is carried umpteen thousands of commuters daily largely from Wisconsin. I used to drive it daily for 17 years from Wisconsin.

“Believing the victim” means exactly what you just said: a crime has been reported, we will investigate it fully because we believe a crime has been committed, and we need to get to the bottom of it.” As facts emerge, sometimes, so does skepticism, but if you first reaction is to say, “well, he might have been making

Adams has publicly displayed abusive behaviors from the beginning of his career. With critics (the Jim DeRogatis voice mail?). With fans (the guy he had kicked out of a concert for yelling that he play “Summer of ‘69"?). With other artists (his feud with the Strokes?). With significant others (trashing Mandy Moore for

On the downside, it’s sad to see he’s a total asshole who caused so much pain.

Welp, luckily, if you don’t like her music, you don't have to listen to it. I just don't want this scumbag blocking her from making music.

He has malignant narcissism written all over him. This is all very unshocking.

Slap a B in front of his name as the ultimate fuck you.

I’m... thinking “feeling uncomfortable” is a smaller issue than “blatant racism” for a lot of folks when considering whether to live in an entirely white environment.

Thank goodness things are changing on this front too. Standing against Israel’s treatement of the palestinian people has nothing to do with anti-semitism - it’s basic humanism. Israel is blocking any and every way Palestinians find to sustain themselves under the disguise of combatting terrorism, but really it’s

“fries before guys”

I take it you’re not a Parks & Recreation fan? It was a pretty funny episode.

We had a similar experience, twice over, because my wife and I each gave birth to one kid.  In between the birth of our first and our second SCOTUS ruled in favor of Nationwide marriage equality, so we thought maybe we wouldn't need to do it the second time around.  But under the current administration we decided we

I’m a queer person and my wife is pregnant right now! We def “turkey baster”ed it (lol, more like 5ml syringe - it ain’t that much), so we’re prob part of the unaccounted 37%. Fun fact - sperm banks won’t let gay men donate (for “health” reasons), so going DIY with a gay friend was the only way to keep the whole

At least let us get a tax credit for that cost, damn.

The survey, which USA Today calls “the first of its kind” because it includes “people who are transgender, bisexual, even potentially single parents”