Edie Beale's Costume

That’s fair. This has been a fascinating thread, BTW!

This is apparently an American phenomenon. My German friend used to complain about it whenever me and my roommate would leave a bite left on our dinner plates. He used to travel a lot and he said only Americans did this.

I do this and I don’t know’s some kind of a mental block against finishing something. And I was neither poor nor in a class-conscious family growing up.

omg my boyfriend does this too. not with stuff he’s eating but with things in the fridge/freezer/pantry. He’s convinced he’ll use that last bit for something so dont throw it out!!! i know right now in our fridge there is one spoonful of leftover pasta sauce in a tupperware, and TWO tupperwares of tiny amounts of

I have always done this with sandwiches. I don't know why but I physically cannot eat the last bite or two of any sandwich.

We have literally 20 bags of chips with one last handful of crumbs secreted away in our cupboards, entirely of my partner’s doing. You are not alone.

I can’t explain it, but I definitely have this with meals. Somewhere around the last bite, my appetite totally shuts off. As an adult, I usually struggle through that last, unappetizing bite, but as a kid I left a lot of chicken fingers with one nub (usually the part with the tendon, to be fair) left. Drove my dad

Ugh, my ex-wife used to do this with EVERYTHING. Dish soap, toothpaste, whatever. She routinely threw out the last 5-10% of any container and opened a new one. WASTER!

My parents (and their parents) went through the Depression when very young. Waste nothing! I can pare cheese, baby.

Wait, are you my boyfriend writing under an alias? Because I have been plagued by this affliction since childhood. Even though I recognize it, I seem powerless against leaving the last two bites of leftovers in a Tupperware, or a quarter of a mug in tea in multiple cups around the house. Admitting a problem is the

Growing up, I thought I hated Italian food. Spaghetti, lasagna, anything with meat and noodles was the worst food in the world. I also absolutely hated meatloaf, homemade burgers, homemade pizza, all kinds of things. For reasons that will soon become apparent, I should also add my mom insisted on home cooked meals,

I just had a conversation about this last week. Confession: I do it, too. I’ll “save” the last lemon until it goes bad. I save the best part of my meal until last, even though I’m usually too full by then and it goes uneaten. I’ll save the last 1/2 inch of homemade saskatoon berry jam until it sits in my fridge for

I think your girlfriend and my wife must know each other because in our house, I have to go through the freezer every 2 weeks and sort out all the half-full bags of frozen vegetables or pasta and combine them so that we have room for other foodstuffs.

Thank you for putting a name on “Last Bite Blindness” (LBB).

This could be a culture thing. I used to hear some older people say “leave something for Mister Manners!” In other words, only low class scum cleaned their plate because they were food-insecure. Classy people could waste food and prove how above it all riches/aspirations made them.

Your queso looks perfectly lovely and tasty. Her queso looks like it is the painting of Dorian Gray’s queso. 

I, too, have had not one but TWO girlfriends that do the same thing. It’s like some mental block against finishing anything. 

Don’t know if this is the case in this instance, but there are people who are convinced it is a sign of low breeding to eat everything on a plate and think you should always leave a bite behind.

How is this even remotely relevant? They have the same arguments as every anti-trans bigot. The conservative men that are anti-trans will also claim they are doing it to protect women and children. They have the same motivating politics, which is that they hate trans people.

While this is 100% true, my beef wasn’t so much with PE itself (I think classes in learning about how to expand your physical self is good!) but in how it was structured: that is, the whole “public humiliation if you aren’t gifted at X” seems to be built into the classes themselves, even if you get a good teacher.