Edie Beale's Costume

I would argue that no parent should give any kind of encouragement for their children to pursue any specific career path. Their child should be allowed to choose for themselves when they are ready. Kids will naturally become interesting in certain career types and their parents should be supportive, even if the

I ship MBJ and Lupita Nyong’o so hard.

Did you hit your bigot limit and freak out? I find sometimes people are accepting to a point. For some gay marriage and transgender is fine but non-binary genders freak them out and they desolve the argument into whataboutism. Representation matters so I’m sure the mobility impaired, little persons etc would

Shouldn’t you have transsexuals in the show? No. No, I don’t think we should. Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy. 

Yes, lots of hot water and spicy food will totally be an advantage when you’re just blowing your nose between spoonfuls.

Definitely. Also along those lines, I recently discovered a Thai place nearby that does an amazing tom ka gai soup (and they deliver!!).

Yeah cold or flu gets anything spicy and soupish. It’s the only thing I can taste when I’m sick.

I sooooo miss living in SF when I could get five spice chicken pho (is it really pho? I don’t care, it was perfect) delivered to my door. Now in northern Mass, I have to drive at least 20 min to find any kind of pho and it makes me so sad.

as someone who was close to and went to college with (before she started pulling shit like this) the birthday girl for years, let me just clarify: this was as staged as it gets. One of the friends is trying to start an event company and this was a stunt for publicity. Thank you, next.

My mom always swore by popsicles as the one way to get something into us when we were too sick for food.

Blazing hot pho and/or ramen do it for me, too.

Yall, this reaction is why NYC is terrible. If this had happened in New Orleans, which it probably has, the party throwers would have brought enough for the whole car, everyone would have shrugged their shoulders, and joined in. Probably at least three life long friendships would have been made. Everyone would have

Nobody believes this was spontaneous, right?

pho sho!

It is the bane of my existence that the best pho place around here is closed on Sundays... which is when I most often need it for feeling hungover lol.  It cures what ails you!

Spicy satay pho (Bun Bo Hue) is definitely my go to when I’m sick. Also when I’m healthy.

Spicy soups and broths in general are the solution to everything

you mean squacks

I came here to say this too about hot pho with jalepenos! It’s magic for congestion and tastes oh so good. Mmmm pho. I want some now for breakfast.
