Edie Beale's Costume

That is EXACTLY what you should do. 

What’s happening is that all of Twitter is dunking on the Wohl family, and it’s hilarious.

I’m still amazed that this dude thinks $20k + credit card pay off is enough to get a pretty successful, probably fairly well-off woman to commit federal crimes with potential jail sentences. She’s supposed to perjure herself so she can, what? Buy a new mid-range sedan? GTFO

Jesus, there’s like 10 replies to this comment. To give some clarification I live in a mid-size city/the ‘burbs. I’m used to full service grocery stores that have like 10+ options for everything you can think off (shout out to Publix!)

So long dental plan!

Omg YES!!! I said "purple monkey dishwasher" around a girl and was VERY disappointed when she didn't know what i was talking about

And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted T.V. personality I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves!

I really want to be all “age is just a number” but no.  That’s gross. 

Yaaasss.  I’m a TJ’s seasonal cookie aficionado. 

We only shop at TJ’s for party prep and snacks. They have the BEST snacks. 

I was JUST thinking this, 75% of this fridge is just sugar in different forms

lol why are you so pressed???????

Holy shit, she sounds like my friends mum. Does she have mental health issues?

For a moment I had the horrifying thought that this was about giving the baby their shared/original surname.

How did she expect her sister to remember years ago? Also she should’ve said to her sister she wanted that name for her kid.

Sorry I’m having a complete brain fart, but was the baby named after her, or using a name she’d picked for a hypothetical child? If it was the latter, had she told her sister she liked the name and wanted to name her hypothetical child that?

How is Baby Seven?

Ahhh. Well then it’s good that I was only saying the latter to be polite ;)

I just Googled “Dear Prudence stolen baby name” because I swore I’d read this scenario in those archives at least once. It’s happened twice! And one time involved dogs!