Edie Beale's Costume

The attorney mentioned in this article is running for attorney general in MN against Congressman Keith Ellison. As of Monday Wardlow was ahead in the polls. He is a dangerous idiot. He is awful. Republicans don’t even like the guy.  If he our attorney general I will lose my shit. 

Ha - my wife is 4'11" on a good day and her ex is 6'2", so you have her beat. But yes, I have built several step-stools for her.

Ah me too! A little shorter than 4' 11"; my husband is a little shorter than 5' 11". I’m a little dismayed at a few of the comments in this thread suggesting that people in couples with a big height differential have issues/are creepy. Exactly who was I supposed to date then? I’m really freakin’ short. Everyone dude I

Or you know people can date whoever the hell they want

They love and support each other, have sex, watch TV, eat together. Just the normal sort of married couple stuff all other married couples do.

I mean, Totino’s Is kind of a trash pizza classic.

From Minnesota. Name is Olsen.

Yeah ok. If you think her surprised face up there wasn't already Minnesotan for "fuck you" then you aren't Minnesotan.

I’m far more stunned by the apparent news that there’s still an open K-mart somewhere.

Unfortunately, as I’m not American (or a Russian oligarch), I’m prohibited from making financial contributions to US candidates.

Turns out doxxing a public official is highly illegal

Y’all are on some weird shit in this comment section today. If a man responds to his emotionally abusive wife with physical abuse, y’all would not be with this whole “abuse is never okay, but it seems like they were both being dysfunctional” bullshit.

So this is a friend of a friend and he's fantastic.

My high school boyfriend said you could give someone a hickey on their forehead and I didn’t believe him. Therefore I had one on my forehead for a week.

My understanding is that the manicures came about because the restaurant was super popular and had 1-2 hour wait times. The manicures give you something fun to do while waiting for a table.


Just as a point of order, all real yogurt is made from yogurt culture you get from ... yogurt.

Homemade yogurt is 100% better than that bitter Chobani shit.