Edie Beale's Costume

Seriously. This poor kid had to experience abuse from her own mother since birth. She’s pretty fucking used to her boundaries being crossed. it’s completely normalized. She made one of her kids practice piano so much, while hating it so much, she actually starting gnawing the piano. Chua made her keep taking lessons.

This is for the on-the-go Halloween lover who wants the latest costume that says “I’m aware of popular culture, but don’t understand it.” Last year, she was Sexy Eleven.


She means I’m complicit with this lump of whale puke’s treatment of other women, so surely he understands that my daughter is hands off!

This is one of the biggest problems women face - the idea that as long as they don’t “put up with any inappropriate behaviour”, nothing bad will happen to them. Ergo, any woman who gets harassed or assaulted MUST have inadvertently or deliberately encouraged the man.

Uh, even if this is totally innocent nobody should take relationship advice from Drake. Ever.

I DID NOT NOTICE THAT I assume Lisa is dead and the next podcast will be broadcast from hell.

Does this system allow the president to send anything other than text? Because after this morning’s Stormy Daniels/“mushroom” news I’m worried that he’s got something to prove.

She was saying on her podcast that she was planning on a) wearing something outrageous and b) showing up early, before any “bigger” stars got there, since sometimes when she goes to award shows she doesn’t get to walk the carpet and doesn’t get photographed. I think the dress is gorgeous and the purse is HILARIOUS,

Legit laughed out loud. This was perfection.

People almost always first call me by a diminutive of my name (which is an entirely different name, but much more common) because they mishear it no matter how clearly I enunciate. Most people stop when I correct them, except for one woman who I’ve had to correct EVERY 👏 SINGLE 👏 TIME 👏 for years. I’m glad I don’t

“I mentioned it to him once or twice, but he reacted like I was trying to control his life,”

Yes it’s the fault of feminists that so many young men can’t get laid today. That’s my takeaway from the story.

Another item for the “basic aspects of adulthood that somehow women are responsible for in their male partners’ life” pile. 

IKR?! If I was singing “Somebody to Love” and Freddie Mercury came on stage, I’d lose it. Because, “Freddie Mercury!!!!!!”

This show isn’t really that kind of show though and isn’t it the last season? I’m calling it now it’s the dog.

She was a champ in that moment. I was suitably impressed!

NinjaCate writing for Jezebel! For real money!