Edie Beale's Costume

Both of us are very girly and really want any excuse to wear pretty dresses. But that’s pretty much the extent of weddingness we care about.

We’ve long decided that we’re not having a wedding at all. Just some signed court papers, a pretty dresses photo shoot, and a cake. No gifts. You’re welcome, all of our friends who are also new parents!

Vietnamese caramelized pork is one of my comfort foods. Next time are you tossing in a hard-boiled egg?

Risk is a pretty good storytelling show. It’s like The Moth, if The Moth involved more drugs and sex.

Thanks for doing that ❤️

... sits over here muttering about how fucking badass a Wu Zetian story would be as a series....

Claire, blend that syrup with some butter. Coffee butter is amazing and tastes like Werther’s Originals.

I didn’t dismiss you and it was probably kinja, but ok.

Meanwhile, they’ve also found time to offer $1,000 flying vouchers to a white lady who felt inconvenienced by a black passenger, because he told her to put her disgusting feet away while he was eating.

Honestly she doesn’t have to do anything other than enjoy being retired. She’s got enough money to be able to say, “Nah, I’m good” and just go on vacation forever.

He’s forever Posh Kenneth first the way that Drake is Jimmy Brooks first.

Does this count?

I once went to a brunch hosted by a woman whose boyfriend was vehemently anti paper towels and napkins. You know what doesn’t work for a bunch of people with syrupy cupcakes and saucy foods? Kitchen towels.

I’d also suggest being strategic about who you tell first and how. Definitely, do not start with telling your mother and just letting it all hang out there. That leaves her alone with her struggles while adjusting to the news, and may automatically alienate others should she reject your relationship.

falling in love, getting married, adopting a few dogs, and then everything falling apart due to some torrid affair

It’s stupidly easy. And even if the cost comes out about the same as commercial, the quality is so delicious.

All this is doing is reminding me that I can make yogurt at home, and homemade yogurt is buttery heaven.