
Some of us, including Melania, were holding out hope that he would die or something.

Nothing wrong with public hangings. Death penalty needs to be removed from secret rooms and put out in the open. Might actually be the best way to get rid of it.

I was “abortion at nine months is not a thing”

I took this survey a few days ago. If he listens to me, he’ll be too busy trying to impose term limits on Congress to do anything else.


It almost seems as if Erickson is complaining about private industry responding to market demand.

“I’m an Obama admirer!”

Good info to know, thanks.

Didn’t the word originate with Spanish and Portuguese conquerors and slave holders? As I understand it, most lexicographers believe it comes from Spanish and Portuguese words for mule, which, as we know, is cross between a horse and a donkey.

It’s quite a common word if Spanish or Portuguese is your first language and doesn’t carry the same connotations as in English.

Here, they even made you a painting so you can keep it all straight:

Don’t forget that they’re also against in-vitro. Fetuses are saints, as long as penis makes them inside vagina, preferably in missionary possition (in the dark). So their “pro-life” isn’t even about all the “unborn children” as they like to call a bunch of cells.

The hoary old 50s-era Polish jokes in the comments are especially brilliant and funny considering the number of anti-Pole hate crimes in the UK post-Brexit. I hope they dry their tears on their white privilege.

Great! I mean, their existing laws are still hella restrictive, but at least it isn’t worse now!

We won a battle, but not a war. There will be another abortion law project. This one won’t ban abortion completely or punish women, but it will still make current law even more restricted. And it might pass, because what PiS (the ruling party) proposes, PiS makes happen.

Not only is this awesome news but that picture is incredibly moving.

Damn, that margin of victory. Way to go, Polish women.

Excellent. I’m sure they’ll try again at some point considering the political party and the Catholic Church in Poland, but to be decisively stopped for now is a huge victory (and hopefully the same will happen again when they try again).

at least Poland is honest by calling their religious nutjobs the Piss Party. thats refreshing

Women of the US, you now have a blueprint to stop this anti-abortion crap once and for all. Clearly, how you vote isn’t enough to deter our politicians at the state and Federal level from continuing to try this crap.