
I put down They don’t check or verify. I actually wish that was my real email, tbh.

I signed it as Ms FuckYou CheetoHitler, email

NYTimes still predicts Clinton’s chances at 92% compared to Trump’s 8% so... we’ll see.

I believe it’s taken from the Spanish, as the Spanish had terms to describe all the different racial mixings. It was a complicated system that, by the end of the colonial era had 200+ different terms. Besides the three main ‘races’ the Spanish identified (European, African and indigenous American (‘indio’)), they had

The restrictions just make me so angry. My grandma had many (coathanger) abortions in the PZPR era. Knowing how poor they were, and how hard my mother’s childhood was, I can’t imagine them having more children to feed. How is that pro-life? It makes me both livid and devastated that women still have to go through that

So proud that my cousins and aunts protested this horrible law. I would have marched with them, but I was on a plane that day. It makes me absolutely livid that “pro-life” people from abroad are supporting this total ban. There’s nothing “pro-life” about letting a woman die if an abortion would save her life. There is

They were very late at night (Australia is between 13 and 15 hours ahead, depending on that time of the year. Now, the difference is 14 hours between NYC and Sydney) so it would have been around midnight, a bit later by the time the news reached Aus. I was 12, so I was in bed already and didn’t see what happened until

wow that’s crazy! I would have never imagined that happening in Canada! wow! The overriding sentiment in Australia was confusion and uncertainty. Being such a close US ally, we knew that American wars mean Australian boots. I was only 12, but I remember so much fear. My dad had to fly that day, right after it

It must be a “grass is always greener” thing because I never understood the appeal of us. But then again, I usually date yankees so... who knows???

I remember waking up that morning, scared, knowing everything was going to change. I lived in Australia. (not trying to have a dick measuring contest, just commiserating a shared experience across the globe) <3
- An Aussie (currently, also a New Yorker).

It really boils down to; “Im not having sex, so no-one else should, either” (except to procreate)

I’m an Australian living in the USA but originally from Europe. I find myself having to defend Americans from the Australians and Europeans I know (“Americans are so dumb, hur dur”.... umm yeah, but most of the best universities in the world, and ground breaking research is happening in America) and defending/shutting

I'm tried and stuck on a greyhound bus and I misread the title and thought that this woman actually got a Peabody. I was going to start raging so much this bus would topple on its side and off the road. Good thing I re-read it and it's actually snark.

You know, I don’t agree with her but I was ready to hear her out. And then home girl goes to compare guns violence and rape and my reaction is just “nope!!” NOT THE SAME! No, guns are not like penises. I mean, if I had one (penis), I'd be right well offended. How terrible is that?!? I'm usually far more coherent than

Prince Philip calling queen Elizabeth “cabbage” just warms my cold commonwealth heart.

In probably heading to Chicago sometime in the next few months and I'll be sure to visit your store! Thanks for letting me know. I'll pass the info to my friends in Chicago too!

OH wow! I have to look that up. I was unaware that this already happened. Thanks for letting me know, I'll go investigate further. Yeah, that makes it even more ridiculous than before! Wow!


Oh holy problematics, batman!

Ooops! Hahah the irony!! Happy new year!!!