
Are there any guidelines about defacing the sticker? All they said is put it in your science textbooks. Teenagers are a creative bunch, I’m sure they can alter this text to be something quite hilarious.

Here here! I’m so lucky that my PP is on the middle floor of a non-description office building and there were no protests when I went for my checkup and to get some sweet sweet slut pills, but the security guard still made me feel safe by being there.

It’s like I come out of the shower and a CAN NOT get dry. Ever. In my life. I've yet to accept perpetual dampness but I'm hoping fall comes before I accept this awful state of being. I wish we could send some of this moisture to California.

That’s not possible. It’s a federally funded clinic and there’s no such thing as free abortions. It’s not legal for tax dollars to go to abortions. When I went to planned parenthood a week ago, they said “you’re eligible for free healthcare and free birthcontrol, the only thing not covered is terminations” I guess

If it makes you feel better, I wanted to buy a basic varsity shirt when I graduated and the only women’s tahirts were pink or purple and I just wanted a navy blue shirt with my goddamn university on it! Happens well into higher education unfortunately

I just went to planned parenthood this week and abortions are NOT covered... It’s all an out of pocket expense for the woman undergoing the procedure. They told me straight out. I earn so little that my healthcare is covered by PP and they told me “your healthcare is covered, everything excluding abortions, which we

Unfortunately it happens a lot in Australia too. My dad works with several mining companies and a lot of the miners are contracted workers from South Africa. the “Aussie blokes” get really irate when the South Africans speak Afrikaans. I speak Polish to my parents and we've often gotten dirty looks.

High fives! I'm in the USA on a student visa and people are always shocked I'm not American (though maybe one day I'll get a green card... Wishful thinking...). I'm an immigrant twice over and speak 4 languages. It always helps! I try to relish a little when I break down stereotypes of immigrants!!

Technically the Spanish colonized all the way up to Alaska so the whole west coast is kind of off limits...

Lady, if you want to speak English, go back to England.

I decided to get mine on my ribcage... I rarely get asked, and few people know I have it. I tried to keep it a secret from my parents but then I was like “I’m an adult.. I paid for this myself! Why am I hiding this?” Most people are really shocked I have a tattoo and asked to see it (as I’m often wearing a dress, I

YESS!!! Thank you! I got my first tattoo a few years ago (an art history tattoo... such a dork!) and I love it and want another one. I’ve been through a car accident and have had a few surgeries so I have scars I never wanted, and being pale as a sheet, I also have weird freckles and spots where the minimal amount of

Yes! You nailed it! I’m currently in Bolivia doing research for my MA thesis and it’s so clear that the current unstable (and sometimes violent) position of Bolivia very much traces back to colonialism or to US interference in the mid-20tg century (like in most Latin American dictatorships) ultimately, the problems

YES! That’s what we do in Australia. I went to an old catholic school and the vaccinations were in the basement of a 150 year old building and it was creepy AS WELL as terrifying because NEEDLES. But no-one got measles, so there’s that.

my college had this rule, but I couldn’t find any of my MMR vaccination records, so I had to get a blood test and found out that my immunity had worn away (wtf?! I was only 24 at the time) so I had to get another round of MMR from the Health Department in NYC. They’re free but it felt weird being the old in a room

I fly a lot. Even so, I’m fucking terrified of flying (Go figure). Even little turbulence makes me hyperventilate. So this is just my absolute worst fear. I would have had a heart attack or full blown hysterical panic or both. Not cool. Really not cool. I’d sue the shit out of them. Fuck this shit.

Very true. But it would have been a beautiful world if he could have. Actually, if we’re dreaming of beautiful worlds... lets just have one without the goddamn confederate flag.

Precisely. More reason to take that flag right down!

YES! Especially since the swastika/nazi flag is banned in most of Europe, and, because of this, European white supremacists march under the confederate flag. Which goes to show how interchangeable they are.

I know I’m coming from a place of privilege here, and I realize most folks can’t just say “fuck you” to a job, but I really wish that dude would have refused and lit it up in flames. A job’s a job, but that would be the greatest way of getting fired (and, I guess, arrested, or worse). I mean, it would have been