
I don't want to give away my historical discovery which will obv. becomes best seller and make me exceedingly wealthy! But for you, I will.

"Spain and it's world" by John Elliot is a good one :) John Elliot is THE guy (Empires of the Atlantic World is a good one too). Jonathan Brown at NYU's IFA focuses on the art of Habsburg Spain.

the hapsburgs in Spain and the Spanish empire are equally fascinating... And the bourbons that took over. I'm writing my MA thesis on art in 17th and 18th c Peru and Bolivia and it's SO DAMN JUICY. I wanna write a book about one of the inca princesses who was married off to a Spanish conquistador. I'll send it to you

I've slept with a couple of conservative types in my youth (3 years ago) and you're better off just not doing it. From my experience, conservatives are bad in bed. Just really bad. Liberals are much better in the sack, and (according to my research), they have bigger dicks.

Thank you! There are so many reasons a woman would choose to not report a rape. It is not anyone's place to judge her for it.

You are my favorite person ever. I screen shotted your entire comment for future reference

Im so glad they got him and he's actually being brought up on this. A few weeks ago, I got physically assaulted on a rush hour 6 train in NYC. I know for a fact the guy was seriously mentally unhinged and that he was targeting blondes. He kicked another blonde girl before me, but then left her alone. He got to me and

a very traditional Polish salad is cooked potato, carrot, boiled egg, pickle and peas, all diced up and smothered in mayonnaise. It is glorious. In Russia, they add canned tuna and in Spain they call it an "ensalada Russa". Why some Americans insist on mixing sweet with mayo I will never understand.

It disgusts me that people can say this. "Just one bullet in the wrong guy". How about outrage that there was a bullet in ANYONE.
I'm watching a documentary on colonialism in the Congo where the Belgians were not allowed to 'waste' bullets, and each bullet needed to equal 1 dead African.
It's not 'just one bullet in

Thank you for your kind words. You are so right. In my case, it turned out to be the best, as it was the fight that turned him on. Sometimes the path of least resistance is the best in the end, and can definitely be the safest.

Thank you again :)

the fact that people don't get it/don't want to get it compounds the victim's feeling of shame. After I was raped, I cried every day, ashamed that I should've done more; yelled louder, pushed harder or kicked more. I felt I hadn't done enough and it was partly my fault. I still feel that way sometimes, but distance,

YOU ARE MY FAVORITE PERSON! As an aside, I'm currently writing a paper on the grotesque in late 19th c Japanese prints and I'm so tempted to put these in. My professor might not approve of this, though...

OMG this!!! Please tell me artist and title!! (Art historian here).

I've only been to PP once, to get birth control when I first arrived in the US. Then I realized my insurance doesn't cover it (pre-ACA days) and it was going to be $120/month so I just got it brought over by foreign visitors from countries with universal healthcare. But that one time (mind you, this is in NYCs

I don't know if I'm just weird but all my perceptions on relationships echo yours. It's a long-ass story on how that happened, but THANK YOU for saying this because I'm hmmmming to every other comment.

a night of bad sex and I had to walk 4 avenues to the train as a hungover Britney Spears circa "Baby One More Time".... Knee-high socks, hair fluffs and all! It was a low point.

I'm currently at work (I'm a research assistant for a private archival collection). I decide to read this on my lunch break. I'm alone in an 1800s huge brownstone and it is silent. I'm mortified, terrified, all around freaking the fuck out! Why do I do this to myself????

Im Polish-Australian and I support this comment.

You are a master story teller.

OK, I don't think I have a chance at beating some of the mega freaky stories on here, and I'm a little late but here is my creepiest experience.
I'm a history nerd and have always been. In my senior year in high school, we learned about Nazi Germany in my history classes and I got really into it. I was born in Poland,