
I know in the grander scheme of things, it's nothing to be too hung up over, but it really does suck. Thanks for your kindness :)
I only just moved into the neighborhood so I'm not sure who the manager/owner is... maybe he's one of the creeps... I'm sussing out possible recourse.
I have found a place close to the

Agreed. I am home and under the covers. I still want to go more home under more covers. This is not enough.

Oh I love this.
They look just like my Golden Retriever when he was a puppy.
He passed away a few weeks ago, but this reminded me of happy memories of him :D thank you.

I refuse to put on makeup or anything more glamorous than sweats when I run to the grocery store across the street. I went today to get some breakfast things and one of the guys WHO WORKS THERE creeps up behind me and whispers "good morning baby" in my ear in a raspy voice. It happens with at least on of the employees

SaraA, you have made my night. I can't believe how hilarious this is.
I'm imagining a poor little boy trying to move around in that and oh it's so tragic but so funny.
I'm so sorry I laughed at your SO's childhood poop story. I did not mean it to be cruel.

one of my best friends has a name for cuffed sweatpants; poo catchers. When you call them poo catchers they seem even LESS worth the $100.

my friend has a name for these cuffed sweatpants; poo-catchers. It's not elegant, but you can see where she's coming from...

Two of my best friends recently had a baby. They're the first of the group to get married and have a baby.

My cousins took me out for this drink when I turned 18, in Katowice (where I was born) and I was SO SKEPTICAL because, what the hell, cousins! But it was delicious. I miss it :(

Hahaha! I see. It just screams of a regular Friday night in Krakow to me.
Perhaps we are spreading our weirdness far further than I thought.... ha!

Sorry, very pedantic, but drinking beer with syrup (like Yuengling with Grenadine) is actually a big deal in Poland. Not specifically Yuengling and not specifically grenadine but it is hugely popular and any bar in Poland would give you the option.
I know it's not a thing here, but I just wanted to point it out. Maybe

I want to go to her and correct it with a big red sharpie. I mean, I'm more mad about the damage that sign has done to the English language than the damage it's trying to do to women's reproductive health. *shudder*

OMG that painting! I died!
I'm an art historian and I so so so so approve!!!

I really cant wait to see the 2014 video from the Google Zeitgeist team... they really have their work cut out for them because making 2014 look uplifting is kind of like polishing a big, steaming turd.

Lol exactly! Like, suck it up! If the flight hours are in single digits, you can deal with it!
Dude, you've been everywhere. And here I am all smug! hahah

No, I totally understand where you're coming from. I was just being selfish but I know it must be torture for the parents. My friends just had a little boy (just turning 7 months) and he's so good with travel (for now) but I know it will probably get worse. My friend (the mom) is just so exhausted already and I know

urgh I hear you. A few weeks ago I flew Peru-Miami (5.5 hrs and verrrryuy bumpy) next to two guys who had broad shoulders and arm rest hogged me into not even being able to sit back... I had to lean forward the entire time. Now add in a panic attack due to turbulence and you have my personal hell.

lol... Transatlantic is beginners stuff... Fly to Australia if you want into the big leagues. Hehehe ;P

I regularly fly from NYC to Adelaide, Australia (as I live in NYC but my parents in Oz) and if someone handed me this card on a 36 hr flight, I'd practically start crying! I try to be super considerate while flying, and only recline when I need to (I rarely sleep on planes, even on the 36 hour trip, because I'm an

I wish I knew the answer for this, as it's a very good question. It would probably require a comparative study between the various budgets, comparing tax rates and revenues and cost of healthcare etc. unfortunately, I am not well versed in this... And have no internet at home so I'm writing this on my phone. Anyway...