
Source Code is amazing. Watch it!

A working, stable-ish CyanogenMod 11 ROM was finally ported to this device just yesterday. If you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty this is now an excellent deal.

A working, stable-ish CyanogenMod 11 ROM was finally ported to this device just yesterday. If you’re not afraid to

Also that whole

People wanted to hate season 2 before the first season had even finished.

Yeah. That’s the whole point of the show, isn’t it? They’re riffing off of tropes and archetypes and themes taken from the old 1930’s hardboiled crime fiction and movies. They did the same thing in season 1 (albeit with a dash of Lovecraftian flair) to wild applause but now that they’re sticking much more closely to

I don’t really see what there is to be mad about. If they had killed him off, there would probably be an article about how True Detective wasted a great actor. They can’t win either way.

Spec Ops isn’t ambiguous as all.

Gawker is legitimately full of the most self important toxic people ever. It’s also home to a huge variety of all manners of genius and hilarity. Don’t really know where I’m going with this comment, aside from the fact that I wish I could be looking at celebrity gossip memes and rolling my eyes at the awful comments

That’s how you look at Reddit. Go look at r/Entrepreneur for example. You know, like productive things instead of stuff that you can get off on.

Replace “Reddit” with “Gawker” and I think your on to something.

Jason has no problem with HOW you get your information. Theft? So long as its for “stories we think are interesting and/or important” the MEANS don’t matter. ONLY the ends matter. The ends JUSTIFY the means.

By Jason’s principle, it wouldn’t matter if a person was MURDERED to get the information. “stories we think are

Oh hey, do you like trespassing and stealing? Read my article, you to can do what this idiot did. Just be sure to send in your tips if you find anything juicy. - Kotaku

I get that journalists feel that data, no matter the way it was gotten, is theirs to throw around for a profit; but it’s an awfully extreme mindset to apply across the board. Like, this guy is not serving anyone justice or anything, he’s just being sort of a shithead, and you took the shithead’s data, and gladly

So the dev’s don’t want this getting out and you decided is was a good idea to post it on Kotaku? Seems like the guy who snuck in and stole food isn’t the only douche bag around. Whatever it takes to get a story I guess.

Who cares?! Kotaku has clicks to obtain!

Seriously, if this guy is a jerk, so is Schreier.

That’s kinda... morally wrong. This guy sounds like he’s kind of a jerk. Seriously, who just does that? In any industry?

I think a better question is: Why do you care?

Yeah it’s weird how only one character gets to be an undefeatable killing machine in the comic that is all about him.

So what about the previous two games which she doesn’t spend kidnaped? I don’t understand what you could possibly be getting at here. It’s a comic book game....about batman, and you are miffed that someone whom the game is not about was used as a plot device. In a story. I just...I can’t....

Recreated it like it recreated Jason Todd getting killed as well?