
People aren’t supporting it because it has a Confederate flag in it. They are supporting it because the game got F’d over by Apple.

Well what about Jim from The Office?

Looks like Steam refunds send a loud and clear message. Could it be that gamers now have a louder voice, or will this just deter PC game development?

This was my first thought, and my biggest fear.

Since when did Kotaku turn into Jezebel? Why so fucking sensitive? You think real rape victims burst into tears every time they see the word? Fuck your censorship.

Well done. You definitely tricked me into watching about 5 minutes of terrible storytelling, punctuated by the rumbliest toughbro rumble voice this side of the intentionally-distorted Honest Trailers narrator, and lots of stupid sideboob shots.

So is terrible voice acting part of MGS’s appeal?

You can also be against rape and be against false rape-accusers and attention-whores too. Emma Sulkwickz is a false rape-accuser and an attention-whore. The carrying of the mattress and now this “art project”. A truly traumatized “victim” would not make a fun little “art project” for the Internet to see. This is done

Right? It’s shocking that a game made in Poland (which is basically 99% ‘white’ or ‘whitish’) based on a Polish authors work set in a middle age fantasy environment doesn’t have enough politically correct diversity.

Now playing

That’s actually true for almost everything these days. It’s often cheaper to use VFX than it is to build a set. Even for things that are distinctly NOT fantasy:

Entourage gets a fucking movie but not Deadwood?

I went with Triss as even though in the books he was with Yen she decided upon reuniting to act like a complete bitch. The moment she insinuated Geralt used amnesia as an excuse to sleep around I realised she probably wasn’t the best choice. Also while she seems intent on doing bugger all and when she does do

quitting a job over more money when you’re already rich is fucking silly.

Uhhhhh....What. Really, there’s a point where a job stops being a job and more of a way to pass time. When you’re 71 and a multi-millionaire, being “exploited” is inapplicable. You’re not stitching shoes together in a nike sweatshop for 4 cents an hour, you’re a voice actor making hundreds of thousands of dollars an

Geralt is a massive, far cry from “generic”. In fact, any character that you can create yourself is generic, limited to a flat baseline personality that anyone can squeeze their own interpretations into. Geralt, on the other hand, is an established character with two short story collections and five novels worth of

This is the Witcher based on the Book the Witcher, based on the Character Geralt in The Witcher, if you weren’t playing as Geralt, then it wouldn’t have been called The Witcher.

Because you are supposed to play your portable handheld game system at home :3

Its a possibility. Though i hope you also dont rule out the same possibility with threats toward anti-gamergaters, feminists etc.

Just as likely that Anita Sarkeesian and her supporters fake threats as well.