
Because his judgement and faux authority in the blog are entirely based on a faulty premise that he knows better than the writers. It’s like looking at a painting in a room with no lights on and claiming that it’s “not really good.”

Especially since his conclusion about Oracle and the scene itself is mired in his

I don’t think Barakka is a playable character just yet.

And still a side character in this instance. These particular stories are not about her.

It’s not - because it also plays into Batman’s faults, and his belief that he can now (being Batman) be in control of everything. It’s his misconception that without him around, people won’t be strong enough to survive. It’s been a running theme for ages in Batman stories - and something that I thought both Arkham

I know exactly what I’m talking about. If you say “I didn’t finish watching/reading” something, then that’s fine, but that’s also that - your part in the conversation is over. You have no frame of reference to the whole work, and thus can’t comment on anything but a small portion. It’s really that simple.

Nope, that would be you. In the story it’s eminently clear that the gas brings up the worst fears of the person - and for Batman it’s the death of those who he loves. He’s already seen the deaths of Talia, Tim Drake, his parents, and many, many others - the concept of the Oracle being killed on his watch is what

A side character isn’t a major deal in a game series about Batman? Well, golly gee, I’m just shocked!

If you walk out halfway through a film, book or any material being viewed, you lose the right to criticize it as a whole. Kneejerk reactions like Evan’s are fruitless, because he’s dedicating an entire article from some weird moral authority standpoint to what amounts to nothing but “it made me feel the sads.” It’s a

Well, gosh Evan, had you actually finished the game (like an actual critic is supposed to do) instead of Sarkeesianed it, you might have noticed that everything you just wrote is tantamount to talking out of your rear end.

Yeah, but at this point I’d assume Kotaku writers are used to it.

False equivalence. This isn’t a serial, or something leading to a sequel, this is akin to watching a film and stopping halfway - declaring that nothing that happens next matters because reasons.

And not only has it been out three weeks, but it’s mediocre at best. Dull characters, on the nose writing, choppy editing and awful pacing between episodes. At this point a lot of sites, including IO9, are riding on it like it’s a unicorn simply because of the sexuality of some of the leads.

How on earth are either Farrell or Kitchner playing against type? If anything, that was season 1 with McCounaughey.

When you say things like that and then ignore facts and history, it makes you sound uneducated. NASA has always been working with series of contractors and outside companies.

Agreed, after watching a ton of (far more trustworthy) Youtube reviewers struggle to get good average FPS out of the game, I highly doubt that Kotaku got this right.

So, because sometimes (rarely) on a bad port there are lower frame rates for a split second, you’d rather have not only lower frame rates, period, but also worse graphics and more expensive games? How does that logic work?

Spielberg actually created the Medal of Honor series back when it still meant a sign of quality.

Smith: We’re not talking about the number of story missions. It’s really hard to quantify that.

It’s empathy, knowing how everyone is settling for less while paying more.

Nothing wrong with being an elitist. It just means you know better than the plebs.