
I get that it’s easy for kids like you to not consider how things work in the real world, but maybe one day you’ll understand that stealing doesn’t make you a freedom fighter or a rebel. It just makes you an entitled brat.

I did pirate in the early 90’s up to the 2000’s. Mostly because during that long decade, Sony, Nintendo and many others wouldn’t release their games to Europe. Chrono Trigger, Mario RPG and countless of other classics never came to my part of the world. This was before Ebay delivered there, and before stores would

You’re stealing from them and then get uppity when they retaliate? Wow.

((Paragraph 3 could you reword it so it’s “person” or “gamer” instead of “man”? I know it wasn’t intended, but it came across as passively sexist))

Oh god, I really hope not. Crisis Core was like bad fanfiction through and through. It made the tragic backstory of Zack feel like a high school drama mixed with the Star Wars prequels. Suddenly EVERYONE had met before and the Cloud’s part in the story was diminished by the bullshit character conservation.

But they didn’t change the plot, music or characters for FFX - which was exactly what was needed. This whole talk about changing stuff around for 7 is really worrisome, because 7 is still remembered for a good part because of these wild scenes. I don’t want Sephiroth’s mythical proportions toned down! Finding the

That’s what I’m afraid of. Nomura’s Cloud is a dull emo goth boy with absolutely no humor to him. Advent Children was a effing chore to watch.

Those two guys also worked on trash like Advent Children and the FF7 extended universe, all which showcased that they have no idea what made 7 work so well. The remake is also missing the original scenario and event writer, who also wrote Chrono Trigger. He didn’t work on any of the “sequels” either, and you can tell

I did play Crisis Core, and was constantly flabbergasted at how juvenile and stupid the writing was. It was such a chore to sit through, because although the game was fun, the story actually made FF7 seem that much worse by association.

Exactly. Everything they’ve made that’s set in the FF7 universe has been horrible so far. I don’t want my memories of the game be sullied by the ridiculously poor writing that is now the staple of SE today.

Looks so scripted that it might as well not be gameplay footage.

Nope, I’m calling Watch Dogs on this.

True, but Metal Gear most certainly is.

Cersei’s walk didn’t last 45 minutes, you Cleopatra, you.

Right? Imagine the shitstorm that would ensue if one would start including in their reviews on Chris Rock films “the film with all the black people.”

Exactly. This bullheaded stance that “everything is just CGI” is so utterly wrong that it’s getting tiresome. It just shows how little people actually know about filmmaking, but how trigger-happy they are to condemn everything based on their limited, shallow knowledge.

A major company didn’t realize that not everyone wants their proprietary, overpriced items? Especially after a decade on the console market where third party headsets where already a major thing? Just how much apologizing are you going to do for Microsoft for a bad business decision, cause that’s all this is.

Escort quests, hunt and kill quests, discovery quests for some. But many of the quests in Witcher 3 all revolve around finding items of some sort and returning them to the quest giver.

What? Everything in Witcher 3 is a fetch quest. Even when you’re rewarded with something, it can usually turn itself into a fetch quest. Now, they’re usually fun and interesting fetch quests, but let’s not kid ourselves that the vast majority of them are going to point B or C and finding object X for the quest giver.

The controls definitely suffer from a case of Rockstaritis, especially when on the horse.