
It wasn’t a gender thing - they even offered to have a different stuntman to do the stunt. It was a ‘we’re running out of time and money and need this shot, this is all we’ve got and are doing it now.’

Uh, nobody offered men stunt training either. That trial and error is literally how they got to their position. Everyone goes through that who wants to work in stunts, stop making this a gender thing when it isn’t.

The big problems with it is that it’s so. dreadfully. slow. Almost nothing important or interesting happens in the first couple of episodes. The pilot itself could have been told in half the time it is now. Then there’s the Mary Sue character standing in for Lana that feels really out of place and heavy handed. Well,

EXACTLY. It’s even said multiple times in the movie that Furiosa has done awful, awful things and the one reason that she’s now taking the wives to safety is to make up for some of those acts in her past.

Don’t worry, women complained about Mad Max too.

in the movie, it’s said that the women “begged” Furiosa to escape with them. In the comic, it’s Furiosa who becomes the stereotypical rescuer, saving these women from their terrible life because they can’t do it themselves (and don’t know how to).

Wait, why only point out that the ridiculous and extremist men’s right sight published that bunch of silliness, but omit that equally silly and extremist feminist sites (including Sarkeesian!) published equally silly and pointless hate on the movie? If you’re gonna take digs at people, at least have the balls to do it

I get that it’s easy for kids like you to not consider how things work in the real world, but maybe one day you’ll understand that stealing doesn’t make you a freedom fighter or a rebel. It just makes you an entitled brat.

I did pirate in the early 90’s up to the 2000’s. Mostly because during that long decade, Sony, Nintendo and many others wouldn’t release their games to Europe. Chrono Trigger, Mario RPG and countless of other classics never came to my part of the world. This was before Ebay delivered there, and before stores would

You’re stealing from them and then get uppity when they retaliate? Wow.

((Paragraph 3 could you reword it so it’s “person” or “gamer” instead of “man”? I know it wasn’t intended, but it came across as passively sexist))

Oh please, don’t be ridiculous.

Seeing as how much projecting and often absurdly biased Gawker “critics” can be regarding films, here’s hoping that the panel will have actual filmmakers doing the judging.

There’s nothing to fix in the show. The same can’t be said about the viewers with blogs and think pieces, though.

Oh god, I really hope not. Crisis Core was like bad fanfiction through and through. It made the tragic backstory of Zack feel like a high school drama mixed with the Star Wars prequels. Suddenly EVERYONE had met before and the Cloud’s part in the story was diminished by the bullshit character conservation.

But they didn’t change the plot, music or characters for FFX - which was exactly what was needed. This whole talk about changing stuff around for 7 is really worrisome, because 7 is still remembered for a good part because of these wild scenes. I don’t want Sephiroth’s mythical proportions toned down! Finding the

That’s what I’m afraid of. Nomura’s Cloud is a dull emo goth boy with absolutely no humor to him. Advent Children was a effing chore to watch.

Those two guys also worked on trash like Advent Children and the FF7 extended universe, all which showcased that they have no idea what made 7 work so well. The remake is also missing the original scenario and event writer, who also wrote Chrono Trigger. He didn’t work on any of the “sequels” either, and you can tell

I did play Crisis Core, and was constantly flabbergasted at how juvenile and stupid the writing was. It was such a chore to sit through, because although the game was fun, the story actually made FF7 seem that much worse by association.

Exactly. Everything they’ve made that’s set in the FF7 universe has been horrible so far. I don’t want my memories of the game be sullied by the ridiculously poor writing that is now the staple of SE today.