
Looks so scripted that it might as well not be gameplay footage.

Nope, I’m calling Watch Dogs on this.

True, but Metal Gear most certainly is.

How was it rushed? They not only did it to the high septon, but kept repeating that she needs to be “stripped” on multiple levels, not just metaphorical. It was clear from the first encounter that the High Sparrow was there to not only remove Cersei’s perceived power, but also any illusions that she had of physical

You say you’ve read the books but are acting shocked about the walk of atonement. Guess you didn’t read them too carefully.

Or, you know, builds up to something in the sixth season know that the dynamics and stakes are established fully? This kind of judgement of the TV show is ridiculous, comparing less than ten episodes to the thousands of pages that Martin has had time to develop (or in the case of the Sand Snakes, underdevelop) in the

Why would anyone bother to mention the color of the FrankenMountain’s skin? Everyone knows what Qyburn is and it’s been repeated over and over in the past three seasons. Nobody is going to question that anymore, because they know that they’d be silenced pretty permanently afterwards. This is not lazy writing, it’s

Cersei’s walk didn’t last 45 minutes, you Cleopatra, you.

Oh no, it can’t be stupid. Look at it. It’s a female POC. Of course it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to the Star Wars universe. This is the internet, after all. We should be glad that Han is shown as the horrible cis-man he is, and more importantly shown to be that by a powerful womyn.

Right? Imagine the shitstorm that would ensue if one would start including in their reviews on Chris Rock films “the film with all the black people.”

Exactly. This bullheaded stance that “everything is just CGI” is so utterly wrong that it’s getting tiresome. It just shows how little people actually know about filmmaking, but how trigger-happy they are to condemn everything based on their limited, shallow knowledge.

That’s hilarious, especially so since your comment comes right after numerous posts about both character, intent and storytelling.

What a strong argument. I’m sorry breasts terrify you. I’m sure you’ll get over it.

Again, we might know who the Sand Snakes are - Bronn doesn’t. It’s like people have this huge lack of understanding that just because the viewers are already to privy to information that everyone else in the show should be. That’s a fundamental lack of understanding for storytelling. All we saw was now that the Sand

A major company didn’t realize that not everyone wants their proprietary, overpriced items? Especially after a decade on the console market where third party headsets where already a major thing? Just how much apologizing are you going to do for Microsoft for a bad business decision, cause that’s all this is.

I keep referring to prudishness because it’s the nudity that you and other critics of the scene only keep bringing up. But in doing so, you’re not only ignoring the setting, the established world, and the characters. Bronn is seen singing about Dornish bedding conquests, and his only comments that we’ve seen toward

In a world filled with dragons, zombies and shadow demons, I’ll happily buy the explanation that the Sand Snakes have such an innate understanding of their poisons that they know when it’ll be most effective. Everything in that scene was there to only drive in the point that these people are powerful, completely in

And if you really believe that his arousal got the poison working... well, that’s pretty fucking stupid.

Escort quests, hunt and kill quests, discovery quests for some. But many of the quests in Witcher 3 all revolve around finding items of some sort and returning them to the quest giver.

What? Everything in Witcher 3 is a fetch quest. Even when you’re rewarded with something, it can usually turn itself into a fetch quest. Now, they’re usually fun and interesting fetch quests, but let’s not kid ourselves that the vast majority of them are going to point B or C and finding object X for the quest giver.