
The controls definitely suffer from a case of Rockstaritis, especially when on the horse.

Notice how Bronn didn’t move anywhere until she started disrobing? Here’s a little biological information, sexual arousal gets blood moving quite rapidly.

But it was necessary. Bronn wouldn’t have believed her if she just said “I poisoned you” and it wouldn’t have made for a powerful scene. Having her first get Bronn riled up, using exactly what she knows that men of his kind want, and then turning it around WAS female empowerment. Now, arguably it’s the kind of sexual

How was any of it pointless? It set up the Sand Snakes as almost literal vipers, using their charms the same way that Oberon used his, getting Bronn, who always had something quick or clever to say, be an absolute wreck in front of them, all for nothing more than a game and show of power. He goes from cocky man of the

Theon to save her? Did you even watch the show last night? Or are you just projecting your ridiculous notions on screen? This isn’t a show about people being superheroes or surviving happily, it’s about everyone, every single one, getting the short end of the stick repeatedly and watching some survive that better than

Looks like someone refuses storytelling because it makes them uncomfortable. That’s not a fault in the storyteller, you know?

It doesn’t matter what we think Ramsay is like, it all matters what Sansa experiences. Like it or not, Sansa was never, ever going to get out of the story without being hurt, and so far her plot armor has been so thick that they could have thrown her into the battle of Blackwater and watch her emerge unscathed.

But Sam does get a reward for standing up for Gilly — the two of them have sex for the first time ever.

What I think Pegg is missing here is that people (at least that vast, overwhelming majority of People) have always been dumb and wanting simple things to fawn over. They’ve always channeled whatever they could into fantasy rather than the real world, simply because a lot of times the real world won’t abide any

Exactly. It’s disingenuous of him, seeing as he made his career with stuff like Spaced and the Cornetto trilogy (all love letters to action, sci-fi and manchildness of all kinds). Even his bigger efforts have produced movies like Paul, hardly the “adult, mature sci-fi” he’s talking about. Like it’s somehow a bad thing

Elba had a meltdowny rant on the set of Thor about how he hates doing these comic book movies and how he just played Nelson Mandela and people addressed him as Mandela on set. It was the same kind of egotistic “I’m the poster boy of a generation” nonsense that Pegg is spouting here.

And people like Zemeckis, Spielberg, Lucas, Nolan and Cameron are technical geniuses in their own right, pushing both technology and methods of storytelling forward (maybe not so anymore with Lucas), yet they’re dismissed as mainstream hacks by every armchair critic out there.

Why? And why now? Nobody looks at Harryhausen in their right mind and goes “pfft, mainstream garbage,” despite it being the equivalent of a blockbuster in its day. This relatively new attitude to scoff at popularity and pretend like it holds no value is incredibly shallow and childish, and only promoted to false

And let’s face it, Godfather was meant to be shlock. It’s highly operatic and set the tone for mob films for years to come, but the book was near pulp in quality and made up almost every single “fact” about the mob that it could. Time and appreciation has elevated it into legendary status, but it wasn’t considered an

But it is shallow thinking. It’s dismissing every single important, mature film that has come out in the past two decades and placing blame on the fact that people who go to the movies in a time when the economy is shit, the world is at war and we can’t trust anyone of our leaders want to be entertained.


How can we assume it has little consequence? The showrunners and Martin have both said already that we’re now entirely in new territory and that the books and show will be very different simply because Martin hasn’t written Sansa’s story further. Don’t forget, she spends nearly two books sitting on her ass in a

Uh, what? Cersei and Jaime are completely changed after that scene in the show. Everything that happened after it has only been driving forward how bad their relationship is now. Gilly, after meeting Sam, is turning slowly into a wholly different person than she was at Kraster’s keep. It’s so ignorant to say that the

The “Cersei wasn’t raped” angle is so hilarious that people keep holding on to it. The book is clearly rape, even worse than in the show with its descriptions (her pounding on his armor, him checking out that she’s on her period and proceeding anyway), yet people just gloss right over that and say it was a-ok, but

So it’s ok when red shirts get raped and killed?