
People, especially online, are so quick to give the book a pass because they’ve either read it with rose tinted glasses or just willingly ignored every little piece that would offend them. So you get these bizarre Jamie Lannister and Khal Drogo fanclubs and online love letters to them. And when the show actually

They originally had Michael Douglas cast in the role that Modine took over, but once Douglas didn’t get his way as being the prima actor numero uno all the way through the film, he bounced at the last minute and went around spreading the story about how Harlin was running the production simply to have his wife on

Doubt Sam Jackson is embarrassed as he’s pretty damn vocal about his love for the film and even demanded that his character survive so he could come back for a sequel one day. He also worked with Harlin for three more films after that.

Nah. They didn’t help, but neither did Carolco’s mismanagement of money and the fact that they kept pouring millions into an Arnie film set during the crusades. People just like ragging on Cutthroat Island as the sole reason the company failed.

we should blur the lines between masculinity and femininity

Uhh. Minority Report? War of the Worlds? Munich? No matter what you think of the final products, each of those films feature incredible mastery of the craft and some of the finest action/thriller sequences put on film.

It’s not a reboot, it’s a continuation of the Rockatansky myth.

It’s called taxes, not exploitation.

HoW is going to be a game-changer.

Maybe if they search hard enough they’ll find an actual story hidden in the game somewhere!

With the exception that Zeppelin actually played, you know, guitars.

Skrillex? Really?

And the pithy “no you!” comeback too! Wow, you’re just firing on all cylinders there. Please, go on, tell us how you write better fiction than others and how you’re just so creative that the mundane bores you so.

Those are still mannequin dress up. There is no actual “character” to be made there.

Ah, lazy generalities. The sign of a truly creative person.

You’re not turning the machine off, you’re putting it in sleep mode with a background connection still active. It’s only because crappy companies like Ubisoft are forcing online connection in their games and will throw you out of single player experiences like Far Cry 4 because they “lost connection to the server.”

Why? Based on the past few AC’s, it’s like the COD franchise at this point. Same game, different skin.

Why? You didn’t try. You instead did exactly what you’re admonishing others for doing. You even misrepresent material from the film to back up the argument, and use hyperbole to over dramatize the short scene, and thus diminishing Black Widow’s role yourself in the film.

No, she didn’t. The actual quote has two lines in between the sterilization and the monster reference. They’re her saying that she’s been killing without remorse and feeling her entire life, removing the chance to have children just made it easier = meaning she can’t give life, only take it, in her point of view,

It’s typical Woerner speak. Every once in a while you’ll get a crazed out article like this that throws all objective logic out the window and replaces it with hyperbole or (in the case of the quote from the film) outright falsehoods to prop up her projections.