
I have absolutely no problems with feminism that wishes for equality for all and not special treatment for some (and death for others). I want all of my journalism to be the fairest, most accurate reports they can be. So I guess I’m in the first bracket.

Valve region locks to Russia mainly. Almost everyone can get their games from elsewhere and still have them on Steam. Blu-ray region locking is nearly entirely over, only a small portion of companies do it anymore and region free blu-ray players are becoming commonplace.

I could still handle region locking, even if it’s a pain in the ass, but Nintendo’s policy of tying the store purchased games to the DEVICE and not the user handle is what has almost kept me entirely away from their products. In this day and age, it’s almost inconceivable to think that a company as massive as Nintendo

That’s cute, and seemingly the one tactic your kind of people always fall back on when you realize that you’re wrong and refuse to change your attitudes.

it makes no sense to portray the high sparrow as a humble, kind, even gentle old man and then have his followers be a murderous bunch of a-holes. to set up this up as plausible, you have to at least foreshadow the true nature of the high sparrow as a person, which the show never does.

Sounds like a problem with your TV, those scenes looked perfectly fine for me.

Because people haven’t been vile towards homosexuals throughout history before the modern era. /s.

How is that different from when anti-gamers send hundreds, if not thousands, of tweets to game companies that their social media people need to be fired for a joke? Or when they swarm a company demanding a joke to be removed from Pillars of Eternity because someone had misunderstood it and then presented that

Well, because you’re responding, and I wanted to optimistically think that it’s not just because you love the sound of your own typing so much, but rather that you’d actually want to educate yourself and not live in a bubble all your life.

There’s the thing: these women are not facing constant harassment or anything that would be even comparable to what, for example, Justin Bieber faces on a daily basis. In fact, most of the statistics that are posted about that are either sensationalized or flat out falsely reported:

The one scene where it looks like a hero explicitly ends a bad guy’s life? Director Joss Whedon cuts away from the deed, leaving it ambiguous as to what actually happens

There’s the thing, what you may think is “common knowledge” rare is that to the public. Especially in gaming, where it’s nearly ever changing. That’s why disclaimers are disclaimers, so that there’s no chance of stupidity slipping by. I can’t speak for the Grayson thing, I missed it and joined “the party” too late,

Telling people that you’re a) related or affiliated with a product you’re shilling, or b) have some vested interest in seeing something succeed is both good ethics and is a required disclaimer nearly everywhere else. Why is it suddenly a taboo to want that same thing in games journalism?

You haven’t heard of GamerGhazi have you? Anti-GamerGate is really a thing. And it’s even crazier and wackier than GamerGate.

Why should I take that seriously after watching GG spend the last 8+ months making up everything from animal abuse to literal bestiality and throwing it at their targets?

Twitter has 302 million monthly visitors. 77% of which are in the US.

Ah, again the “oh, they’re only using a woman,” like Hoff Sommers isn’t an individual and will just go along with whatever a group of neckbearded geeks will say, right? Isn’t it crazy how the people attacking GamerGate are usually just closet misogynists in reality?

The internet is diverse, who knew? Well, clearly misandrist racists like you don’t, but others might.

You mean the group that is comprised of trans, gay, bi, white, black, asian and any manner of people in it? I get that it’s easy to think so, but Gamergaters aren’t the boogeyman.

There’s been zero evidence connecting Gamergate to any of the threats that Wu or Sarkeesian have claimed to have encountered, yet it hasn’t stopped you or anyone on Kotaku from just buying into them.