
Are you sure you’re not talking about Anita Sarkeesian, Brianna Wu and Zoe Quinn now?

You don’t really know what you’re talking about, do you? Gamergate as it is, is filled with all kinds of people. Be it men, women, trans, bi, gay, anything. Hoff Sommers is widely respected, Milo is gay, and a huge part of the active correspondents on twitter and reddit are very, very diverse.

I remember when it was suggested (with somewhat believable evidence) that both Wu and Sarkeesian were doing the same kind of fake threats towards themselves, and everyone lost their minds. Funny to see that for “the other side” it’s only a valid accusation.

She compared the lack of feelings and killing people as easily as breathing as being akin to a monster, the removal of her ladyparts was just a big step towards that lack of humanity.

To be fair, it’s such an easy horse to beat. Snyder has such little understanding of his characters (like in Watchmen) that they make for some nice and easy beatings.

HBB is on the record on what they’ve done, right down to the voice recording of the panel they’re accused of disrupting. All of the evidence backs up their claim that no disruption took place.

HBB did none of those things either, so here we are.

What’s even more disgusting is that right after Jason Schreider’s little tantrum about how everyone is picking on poor Kotaku, despite Kotaku being so great and open and well balanced, this article completely refuses to report all information and instead once again paints the picture as a one sided black and white

It’s worked out for Sarkeesian, Wu and Quinn so far.

Projecting is not the same as knowing.

Of course you do, because if you didn’t get a chance to completely stick your head in the sand, you might actually learn something. Much easier to just ignore it.

Absolute lie. Why would you even resort to it when there is an actual audio recording of the panel that proves you wrong?

The bubble you live in is hilariously showing.

Getting permission to speak during a panel is now being disruptive? It’s hilarious how people are ENTIRELY ignoring the fact that the panel was recorded, including the so called “disruption.”

But Clegane lives.

Of course, it isn’t just about a stub, as Patricia wants to make it appear. She has a history of doing this stuff, which is why it’s being pointed out in the first place and why she had to initially go and acknowledge in multiple(!) articles retroactively that she wasn’t forthcoming with details. It’s the same thing

People asking for disclosure when journalists are reporting on their friends as if it was news and pretending like they have no connection to the material are “irrelevant”? Wow. I should just stop being surprised at how some people want to be ignorant all their lives.

Calling people out on less than honest behavior is harassment? Really?

It's probably because Mario games for the past five years have been carbon copies of each other. Some of them have been good (like 3D World), but it's not like they've been stretching any creative muscles making them.

Notice how I've never said either that things were better back then or that things shouldn't change. In fact, I've said the exact opposite: things need to actually change, not only superficially. It's you who can't seem to understand beyond simplistic terms, which is why I'm not surprised that you're happy with the