
There's been no temper tantrum, only a valid assumption about both your writing abilities and how they tie to the typical internet boasting. Both of these lead to your latest message actually taking time to have coherent spelling and sentence structure, so clearly it worked.

Nobody says you need to, it's not mandatory, but just be prepared that people take you far less seriously if your writing skills are so poor that they require such strenuous effort that without active concentrating they go all to hell.

It's not a case of being anal retentive, just knowing basic punctuation and grammar.

Seeing as you can barely string together a coherent sentence with proper spelling and grammar, I highly doubt that you'd know any better what materials were used in the making of the films.

God, how often will this be taken out of context and paraded around as a weapon against The Hobbit films.

That is some remarkable social justice warrior twisting of what has been said on both sides, while still playing the "comic store dweller" card. Well done.

I already gave up on a lot of Marvel stories when precisely what you wrote happened. I think by the time Peter was a clone for the third time, or when Satan(!) reversed time for him or whatever that was about. It was just too hokey, too lazy. But at least that's what it was called out as! There's been plenty of

Taking Thor and genderswapping him to a female IS shallow. The universe created for the character features numerous great female characters already - but none are given the chance for a lead. Now it's just a female character tied to the brand of a well recognized male character. That's not inclusiveness.

Absolutely false.

I'd just like characters that weren't so clearly committee designed to pander to the current Twitter trend of trigger-warning-happy people.

Female Thor isn't outselling anything. I don't get where that rumor came from, but it's just not true:

His last five films have been Lincoln, Tintin, Munich, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and War Horse. What kids are you thinking of?

A.I. is one of the most frustratingly misunderstood masterpieces in modern history. If anything, I'd say that the last truly disappointing Spielberg film was 1941.

If that's all that you're looking for in films, then yeah.

I think it's more condemning on both fronts. It's saying that the idea of people without access to technology, training, expertise and even basic travel permits could organize a major hostile action such as this does sound far fetched.

Yeah, you can get that if you want to pay a $1000 for a phone. Expandable memory costs a fraction of that.

How about the now infamous video of her saying just months before the Kickstarter thing that she doesn't like videogames and had to learn about some of them for her lecture? Considering that she built her image as a lifelong gamer, don't you think that kind of dishonesty is bad for her cause?

Threats are threats. If we're going to take all of them seriously, we should do so regardless of who they're issued at. In most cases when investigated, these threats are found to be meaningless and not tangible. Developers like the heads of CoD, who also got death threats, or Hideo Kojima, also threatened, still have

You got a source for that? Cause there's nothing to corroborate that.