
It really wasn't. At best it was a composite of a bunch people. But other than that it was 100% fiction.

And if, after everything that has been claimed, yet unproven in their name, you still don't think that maybe there's a problem with the reporting, you haven't done enough looking around.

You mean the guys who have offered one of the safest, most family, gender and all around gamer friendly convention for years now don't want their guests to be safe? Yeah, right. They have their own security and work with local police on making everything as smooth and safe as possible. It's not their fault that Wu is

Not even everything, but the important bits that are facts. It isn't helping their image that they'd rather obfuscate parts to spin a story in only one direction.

No.1 "most harassed woman on the internet"

Does this also extend to your own words as well?

I don't think it ever was a possibility. She will see anger and hate everywhere:

Well, she also calls herself "the most harassed woman on the internet" and believes that the recent SVU episode was about her and watching it causes her to "trigger." So I don't think her ignoring anything is an option.

Why not report everything? PAX had worked with her and provided ample security. It's also one of the safest conventions. She hasn't pressed charges, and the local police has so far found none of the harassment credible enough to warrant more action.

Because at some point you've got to realize that you're not doing anyone favors, least of all yourself by wallowing in something that you can't change.

I remember that! It was in Numbers (or Numb3rs or some other stupid number based title). Didn't they also figure it out by "hacking" IRC? Oh god.

Let's not pretend like that is the first of its type. Crappy games like that have been coming out since gaming became a thing and they've always had one thing they're rode in on: cheap, easy shocks.

Considering how more and more people, even game developers, have started to call her out on poor research, I can't see how others are still defending this angle.

You mean the bird hat that actually has a place in history (and no, not that painting) and that was considered by actual native Americans to be just peachy, yet got all the white folks online angry?

Grinding the same thing over and over again for a hundred plus hours doesn't mean that there's stuff to do, it just means that the people playing have nothing better in their lives.

Yes, absolutely. It had problems, but it also did so much right over such a vast game that no other came even close this past year.

Nope. Can't see any way to justify it. The story was a mess, riddled with character conservation and lazy lifting from both Tolkien and Jackson without a personality of its own. What's even stranger is awarding it for design, when the game didn't have an original bone in its body. Apart from the overhyped nemesis

Finland could have it's own power of indecisive passive aggressiveness.

It's more like that Silva knew Q would be young and arrogant. They make a big deal about him knowing everything there is to know about both Bond and the Q branch, so it's not a big leap to figure that he's got this new guy figured out by now. So when Q is plugging the laptops in and giving Bond the big "I invented

Exactly. The writer hates on Skyfall for being convoluted, but gives The Dark Knight a pass when the Joker has his plan to rely on not only that they'd transport him in a police convoy, but that they'd take the exact route that he wants them to take, but also that the choppers would be where he needs them to be AND