yellow bird

Any word on the B'n'B across the street's new advertising campaign? I'm thinking this could make for some excellent people watching.

I was specifically thinking about you when I made all of these jokes.

i want to go to there. we go together??


obviously. It's not going to blow itself, and I will be damned if microphones go unfellated on my watch.

WhatEV, bish: having babies makes me even cooler. It's like my ovaries have superpowers...

"That's my worst nightmare, I cheated on my wife,"

Things Weed Has Made Me Do:

"I will never allow my children (if/when I have them)..."

I bring a device with us when we go to restaurants because it keeps my son quiet and entertained for the wait for food. He loves the alphabet games and coloring. He gets lots of 'no-ipad' time (most of his day) so I'm not too worried.

Eh, we get judged if our kids make a peep or act like kids in public and we get judged if we give them a distraction for a bit. Can't win.

I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back, I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back... after it died of an easily preventible disease.

Because sex puns are kind of my thing.

Little Debbie's Oatmeal Queef Pie

I'm sorry, I understand why people are upset about the photo but.... As someone who was abused as a child and teenager, and watched this happen on at my father's behest to my mother and brother my entire life as well.... Fuck all the entitled white assholes on here who are making that the MAIN POINT OF CONTENTION.

I disagree completely. There is nothing identifiable about the child in this picture and I wouldn't put it here if there was, trust me. But showing this photo adds a very powerful visual element to this story that hammers home the severity of the situation that words just would not be able to do. I say that as someone

I <3 you, Pinkham. Thank you for laying this out the way you did. It's a tough call to make in this situation because there's a person who has proved herself very unstable making a very serious claim, so do we dismiss her based on past events? No, because she could be telling the truth. Then there's the high-profile

That's just shifting the blame. No one has an obligation to like you, and if a woman isn't interested in you, it's not necessarily because she's shallow or "entitled to the studly men." I'm a fat, depressed man who writes openly about being fat and depressed and I do just fine. You're the one that sounds entitled.