I'm more excited for this bracket than my actual bracket.
I'm more excited for this bracket than my actual bracket.
I am soooooooooo jealous of you. And Uber. I wanna meet both of you!!!!
My dad is constantly trying to get me to move to Charlotte so he can be closer to the peep and collard greens are one of NC's biggest selling points. Mmmmm.
Our brand of Icy Pops has MANGO now!!!! The assholes only put like 3 in the bag but jesus do my husband and I fight over them.
WHY?!?! Why is that a thing?
I remember go-gurt being a thing but somehow I just missed the boat on having it packed into my school lunches. I'm almost 27 so not that old.
Icy Pops! They make mango flavored ones now. Delicious! Did you ever get the cuts on the corners of your mouth from the sharp plastic of the Icy Pops? Almost as dangerous as Capt'n Crunch on the roof of your mouth.
I am disappoint you didn't interview me for this. As a child my parents would occasionally let me this Cookie Monster cookie/blue frosting monstrosity. And my poop turned bright bright blue! I was super proud of this.
You have my email. This would be all you baby. :p
Infectious girl lied to me! http://kitchenette.jezebel.com/i-think-you-an…
Don't do it! I had a coworker from Australia and she brought back some for us to try with toast. Bleck!
It's okay. I was just trolling for a reason to see Uber with a donut around his dick. :p
Boo! No fun!
Haha! The dunking of the vagina into the milk is just how you end the jalapeño hand foreplay. It's SEXY!
I think you and IG should test out some of these tips for science. And take pictures!
Seriously. How do I get my husband to do this?
You are my hero!
I have such a crush on you!
It was really disheartening trying to explain why it was shitty Jared Leto was cast in this role to my family this weekend. "But he was soooooo good." ugh