Li'l King Trashmouth

You lost all credibility when you wrote that the original Night Court is “mostly remembered by die hard sitcom nerds.

Night Court is one of the best, funniest, and most underrated sitcoms of that 80s / early 90s. I do not know anyone in Generation X who does not look back fondly on that show.

I have not seen the new

An Ambush Bug series in the style of a late-night talk show, with Argh!Yle as his sidekick. Every week Ambush Bug is played by a different actor. 

I’m 100% for a Dazzler movie...but let’s cast an actual actress, shall we? Nothing against Dua Lippa, I love her music, but she isn’t an actress. Either get an actress with signing skills, or dub the actress for the signing parts.

“Here are some of Elon Musk’s text messages

I’m not a native English speaker myself and I have yet to make that mistake,

It’s because a lot of people don’t really understand what grammar is. I’ve both learned and taught languages, and it bugs me whenever someone says: ‘Don’t worry about the grammar’ or ‘Grammar isn’t important.’ Like, no, it’s really important, especially for foreign language learners. Grammar is literally everything

I just wanna jump in here and clear up some stuff on this thread.

1. People are desperate to find a case to undo the gains of MeToo and will amplify any edge case they can.

It’s kinda soul-destroying to hear people sincerely say ‘I love the IP’. Like, dude, I’m so into copyrights like you wouldn’t believe

My point was about how the show is about power structures, and that’s why Pamela was treated so terribly comparatively to Tommy. Especially with the public, they were truly cruel to her and it wasn’t just fun and harmless gawking. These structures in all their forms are derived from white patriarchal supremacy which

Biden was vice-president for 8 years and is now the President of the USA after winning a highly publicized election. Not sure how you may not of heard of him until now.

First thing’s first: Pulp won the battle of Britpop by 1) Being better than all other Britpop, 2) Not caring, and 3) Ending on a solid album

I wanted a show where the moon says CHA

Charlie was also a skilled jazz/big band drummer, so I doubt he never tuned his drums.

Watts’ drumming wasn’t flashy but he sat in the pocket and held down the rhythm section for the most famous rock and roll band in the world for 6 decades.

This is all fine, but the proper way to watch Evangelion is on VHS tapes containing two dubbed episodes each that you purchased at Suncoast Video with two months’ allowance.

About bloody time.

Once they trot out the show, I bet it has a good run.