Li'l King Trashmouth

Twitch can, and indeed should, tell a company “We will not allow you to block your ads from Black streamer’s channels.”

Well, I mean Elvis WAS a hero to most, but to me, alas...

I believe him on Elvis. The same Elvis that was a fan of Richard Nixon.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Flargan & Dingle...

I hope they bring in Otto Hightower’s brother Moses.

Muckled damn cult!! ‘Air eh namblies be keepin’ me wee free men?!”

The Beatles have been all over the musical landscape like a pillowcase for the last 50 years. Dare to suggest there are other artists as interesting, important or compelling and you get the Boomers all lathered up. It’s not only good fun, it’s necessary.

Every year that passes, fewer and fewer people gargle the balls

I’m not a huge Outkast fan, but I also actively dislike The Beatles, so this seems fine to me.

Nah. I’m being short since I’m distracted trying to fix my media server.

Free speech! Free speech for the dumb!

That better be in the movie.

Is that supposed to be the “singing shark” meme?

As a fellow Alf enthusiast, I approve this message.

Alf’s card should read “Gordon Shumway.” Alf is like xenomorph (foreign-shape); it could just as easily apply to the whole lineup. 

Well, first of all, it’s Y-Y-Zed...

If he had played something from St. Anger you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

“Neil Peart stands alone!”

Agreed, but not everyone took Spy magazine seriously - they should've.

That was basically the plot of Precious.