Li'l King Trashmouth

And we know this... How?

The scar doesn’t line up with his injuries last time properly, that means not only is he keeping it for cool effect but he had surgery to make it look more like a cool scar. He’s such an MRA-dweeb.

IKR - I was like

Really does anyone else love how she posted “yo girl”? Like Imma appropriate the shit out of these people because I can’t come up with any type of culture or personality of my own, but god forbid I have to live with one of them. What a nasty nasty sorry ass trashy ass hillbilly.

Breanna, thank you for putting this story out with Hepatitis B(ecky)‘s mugshot front and center. I’ve seen too many articles using the nasty bitch’s “cute” instapics and I’ve been calling out the authors. Fuck that noise.

He literally became a Democrat just so he could cash in on resources (resources he never helped raise in his career) and then he and his supporters were aghast when the party didn’t roll out the red carpet.

The entitlement is staggering.

So he’s like that Ratt song - “Round and Round” *smh*

Oh my god! Another fey pansexual alcoholic nonhuman!

Even though Jon Lovitz has become a right wing toolbag, I can forgive him almost anything, after he decked Andy Dick, after Dick got in his face, bragging about his role in that tragedy.

Somebody bring in Jon Lovitz to take care of this situation.

*raise your hand if your first thought on seeing the headline was “Well, that one was only a matter of time”*

Friendly reminder that it is improper to “slap” and “fist” a nazi. Instead, one should “punch” a nazi, for they do not deserve the pleasure of offending everyone..

“the next time you go to the booty bar and have to watch a Caucasian former gymnast climbing the pole that resembles her body, desperately convulsing, trying to make her Little Debbie snack cakes clap off beat, remember, you could have stopped this.”

Anyone wishing to prep for O.K. Connery can watch the MST3K episode on it, where it was called ‘Operation Double 007' - Season 8, Episode 5.

The world need more “Corvette Summer” jokes.

The original Marvel SW comics had a running gag in the ‘80s wherein Lando would go undercover in Harlock cosplay as “Captain Drebble” whenever he had to do something especially dodgy. The best part of the gag being that Drebble was actually a real dude Lando had a beef with, so Lando was trashing his old enemy’s

I’m sorry, but Lando is the one who wears an eyepatch and disguises himself. Not Chewie. Don’t be ridiculous.

Can we go back and discuss how weird it is that Scott Summers, a man whose idea of “moving on” the first time Jean died was marrying the physical and mental clone of Jean, color codes his tonic of the month club tasting notes despite wearing rose-colored glasses, and makes sure that there’s always some ice-cold beer
