Little Debbie

Yeah, but that wouldn’t have really fit the narrative the author wanted to present of venturing out amongst the great unwashed, would it?

You got it all wrong, Samer. You start with the most difficult kid to beat up. Not the easiest. Good lord man, I mean is this your first time beating up kids?? Jeez...

Thanks for weighing in. Do you need corrective lenses to sneer at all the people from your high horse? I’m sure some church is missing their pearl-clutching Secretary of Nagriculture.

We were playing hide and seek and things just really got out of hand.

How many times have I heard THAT when going for a bath.

Maybe the F is supposed to be silent ...?

Yeah I don’t understand that. I realize there’s a lot of diversity in what people are looking for in sexual partners, but saying, “I have no knowledge of female anatomy at all, nor do I care to,” doesn’t seem like a good pick up line anywhere.

Very effective. Just reading the phrase “which hole is the clit??” made my clit climb into my body to hide.

Let’s look at all the silver linings here.

“She called you daddy for 18 years, now it’s our turn.”

He’s really going after that Pity Vote demographic. This poor schmuck needs to be taken for a car ride to the country and let out in a nice field so he can run around as the car heads home without him.

Call me paranoid, but having lived and traveled through various countries I’m going to advance the craaaaaaazy conspiracy theory that public transportation in most of the United Stes is designed to torment and humiliate the poor rather than to actually be useful and reliable.

I couldn’t agree more. I completely believe I am a better human being because I’ve read the Discworld books. They shaped so much of me.

Ahh. Miss Terry Pratchett so much.

There’s a reason I turned out the way I did, and Pterry had a large role in that. That’s why I have the Wizzard hat as my icon!

I LOVE THAT YOU REFERENCED THIS. Sir Terry knew what the fuck was up. I learned more about politics and economics (among other things) from Discworld than I did after four years in my fancy liberal arts university. The world is poorer without him.

Came for dicks.. disappointed