
The 3-5 minutes I spent writing it was the highlight of my day. Which is sad for several reasons. 

First game I went to was a game where the Patriots killed Buffalo.”

There I was, behind center for the Buffalo Bills. What madness led to this I had no time to ponder. As the supple leather of the ball slid into my hand, I took one step back, then two, then three. As I surveyed the field for potential recipients, I saw an outside linebacker charging like an angry rhino directly at my

The 3D barcode on NFL tickets now is dynamic - it changes every 15-60 seconds so you can’t screenshot the ticket to make it work at the gate, unless you do it within the 15 second window...

During every Lions home broadcast, the pan shots of the Lions crowd should be set to that Sarah McLachlan song they play during the abused animal commercial.

Reading this article is probably the happiest I’ll be during this Lions season. Imagine being the fan of a franchise and the happiest you know you’ll be during the entire football season is reading a Drew Magary piece in freakin’ July.

For years my dad gave my son either Eggos in a LEGO box or LEGO in an Eggo box. Also once Eggo socks in a LEGO box. Did you know they make Eggo socks?

Damn, I miss that show. It was the best way to watch a soccer game!

Also, Morgan the time traveler:

I would watch every Jaguars game if she was the color commentator.

Your logic is infallible - we hereby award you the Arizona Cardinals.

Speaking of people who have had rough times in Florida, they traded for Jason Pierre-Paul.

I can hardly wait the next big article in two months about how much good old Jameis has grown and shown maturity in his role.

I remember when I first saw Fitzpatrick in that outfit I couldn’t figure out why Connor McGregor was giving a press conference for the Bucs

Still my all-time favorite entry from WYTS, from 2014:

Only  Mark Davis can live in the Bay Area and have his favorite “Chinese” restaurant be PF Chang’s.

Well, it’s not every day you meet a woman named Artura.

In a league where domestic violence is as common as our president struggling with the English language, it’s a dude who kneeled during a song that put you over the edge?

shut up