All things considered... that’s pretty cheap.
All things considered... that’s pretty cheap.
As a gamer I personally hate gamers.
To be honest though, they have done this to me with a large soda. which is the same price.
Anyone else just disappointed it’s not 2142?
Yes. Simulators are Niche. Flight Sim got lucky with Covid. If it wasn’t for Covid or streamers, no. It’s niche. Compared to your Apex Legends or other games?
Simulators are 100% niche.
Probably because, ultimately, it cannot run at 4k/60
The one game i wanted to be multiplayer isn’t.
Ah yes, I also enjoy sitting, staring at a screen while controlling some sort of player interaction controller, hearing digitial beeps and boops make audible noises for several hours as well.
Idk about you, but I read this and what I was able to determine was ya’ll bitter and he doesn’t care for people blaming cancel culture for their shitty jokes not being liked anymore.
My point here is more that simulations generally take more money to do “correctly”. In relation, it’s easy to make a rotation and make something “seem” like it’s moving (a great example is the rocket league video on game development where a lot of the movement in Rocket League isn’t actually suspension models and…
Ah yes... The game that made $5 million less in a decade of crowdfunding than Square Enix made in revenue from just their MMO division last year....
Gonna be honest i just found scripting rotations hard so...
I have a best friend who has real bad carpel tunnel but she can play with a controller for hours but M&K gives her extreme pain after about an hour.
There is a soccer tournament going on. PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) is a game made by Konami that match this tournament.
Konami, in their infinite wisdom, is going to be updating their game to be accurate to the currently running irl tournament by updating it half through said irl tournament.
How did you manage to come out sounding like literally more of an asshole than FIFA....
A: it’s hard to see people that are infront of other people in front of you.
If it wasn’t about games that are like almost 15-20 years old i’d agree... but these are typically pretty old games.
Can I also point out that Heisenberg calling Chris that “boulder punching asshole” was the highlight of his own fight?
It wasn’t actually about the porn. It’s showing that the difference is that Apple “vets” their applications, whereas Epic doesn’t. The sexual angle is easy because it’s awkward. The mistake the Epic folk made here is pretending they didn’t know.