
Yes. And we all generally correct ourselves on it and do genuienly feel bad for when we have those biases rather than spend time in a random comment section of a random website trying to defend ourselves.

That’s just malware with extra steps.

*gasps at that thing I’ve been saying since FF7: Remake came out and everyone mocked me about*

Because, afaik, this specific game has pretty much been giving everyone everything needed to finish the game, and it, like much of Yoko Taro’s work, is heavily embedded into the Nier franchise.

So I came in expecting to see FF7's best girl in the game and it’s just Tifa.

I’ll be honest, I’m happy that there is more open choice, but also:

I mean, life doesn’t really give you a heads up on it.

Like, okay, are people still going to deny that FF7: Remake is about advent children?

It’s also basically the basis of the Remake series...

Richard Doyle voices Big Boss later. It makes sense considering the story. Probably didn’t smoke that entire time.

Gonna be honest, I already see a few comments like “This is a PR post” and what not, the article is right. One of the WORST aspects of Android was moments where like companies just wouldn’t upload their apps to Google Play. So that means you HAD to sideload their app.

It sounded like they were going to be doing more than Factions, from older dev discussions I always kinda figured it’d be more of like an on-going survival game..

Glad to know your earlier opinion I read was actually garbage cause you haven’t actually played the game.

You missed the memo when people learned to have taste. There was humor, but it was far from parody.

Like, when I say Quiet isn’t real, I specifically point to the Butterfly motif. It’s always a sign of “hallucination” within Kojima’s story. She’s literally not real.

Quiet. Isn’t. Real. She’s literally the figment of a man’s imagination. She doesn’t leave any pictures. Just like Paz.

Question: She redid her lines in MGS: The Twin Snakes

I mean, where was your outrage?

Yeah that’s... pretty standard for a statue like that, and if the quality control is as good as Squenix statues usually are... sounds about right.

And that’s where people need to learn that the Switch and other systems have different processors. Sometimes you run into code that can’t be run on a specific system.