
They did mention that they heard the complaints about the patching process and are looking to fix that going forward in a blog post.

Funny, I find her the worst reviewer. Particularly when she points out “new features that’s a first in the industry”, completely ignoring games that did it previously and then says “Well it’s not my job to know about older games” and... yes. It is. :)

You decided to take a point and go to a complete extreme because you couldn’t handle the facts in front of you.

I just want to add that just because it’s different doesn’t make it any less deserving to be called out and or disowned. Just people should be aware that people are assholes in different ways. People like to point out things like “but people are so nice where i’m from”. No, it’s probably just not visible to you.

Either case, this is an appropriate response, regardless of where it was!

What am I trying too hard to do and why does it sound creepy? There was a really long paragraph with a lot of different statements so I’m not exactly sure... what.

Going to go full on dick here, but I remember that argument somewhere before...

annnnnd by adding the halo i imagine that hypotenuse line would proooooobably not be as close to the head with a raised second roll structure....

But wasn’t that shot in the twin valley?

Question about this: Is the person you heard it from FROM that state though? I know this is really pulling a hard “but but”, however I’ve only heard it in a few locations. Usually not state based, but just “how much of a creepy asshole” that person is.

I find the difference is that people are different in HOW they are shitty/deviant/racist than other groups. Eg: New York is racist AND classist (never heard one black man say that another black man was going to steal cause of their race until i lived there but it totally happened.), but very much behind your back

Its funny given that this is exactly how people acted when Fallout New Vegas released...

Its funny given that this is exactly how people acted when Fallout New Vegas released...

I expect a review so i don’t have to listen to it.

I always love the “blah blah participation trophies” argument.

Still trying to figure out how it feels unfinished. Feels like a polished survival game to me.

Felt pretty ready to me compared to other games like DayZ, Ark, Early minecraft, Rust, etc....

It can be in certain situations but in this case it’s likely 47gb on console due to an inability to delta patch, it’s only 15gb on PC.

It was only 15gb on PC... FYI...Downloading it now and was about to cancel a stream I was going to do because of it lol.

Pretty much. I mean right now I care more about the responders and volunteers than I do any other faction in Fallout 4. Gonna be frank. 

I mean i’m playing on a 970m and it’s running pretty smoothly in most cases so long as I keep textures to medium. Not sure why that’s the case but it is.