
I’d used Turbo Tax many times, and one year I owed over $900. No matter how I changed the numbers, I couldn’t get the needle to move much. A friend pointed out that TT is a bookkeeping program - that is all. A human CPA is more of an artist. In other words, there are many ways to show income and loss. Based on this

Tell that to the racists who are scared to death of being ‘replaced’ and want to (and in one case last year actually did) kill Jewish people to stop it.

No, he was not “....just another person with an opinion.”! First, promoting racism and hate is not just voicing an opinion! Second, coming from someone who was as admired and had as large a pulpit as Ford gave it a degree of legitimacy. Finally, coming as it did at a time when Jews were being mercilessly persecuted

Kudos to whomever put 150k miles on that Z8!

I really put that one right over the plate, didn’t I? 


For years now, CarMax has been treating both buyers and sellers like children. Sale prices too high, but non-negotiable. Buying prices too low, and also never budge on those.

So this would be an F-09?

Read the paperwork bro, you gave Mark Zuckerberg the right of prima nocta to all your children.

It’s on a piece of paper that means its the right thing.

There is nothing irrational about your anger.

Flat-billed caps make me irrationally angry.

This is how unions work. They have always been corrupt. 

There are so few car companies as poetically batshit as TVR. I believe one of the factory color options on the Sagaris was called “Dark Fantasy.

Does the technician get to affix a little sticker of a fighter jet to the outside of his toolbox now?

Suuuuuuurrrrre it is.

Beat me to it. E39 is the correct answer !

Not “surprisingly” well. BMW design is fairly timeless.


This is exactly the right thought process, and it’s how I thought about my recent car purchase.

Who cares what a car is “worth”.

I’ve dealt with so many people who are like “Its a $1000 repair on a $2000 vehicle!” OK who cares.

your options:
1. Sell your $2000 car for $500, and buy a new $3000 car which will have the same problems in 6 months.
2. Fix your $2000 car for $1000.

Option 1- Your wallet is $2500 lighter