
How anyone didnt get your joke is beyond me...

After End Game, whats the point. It really doesnt get any more, ”the fate of the Universe is at stake”, then literaly half the universe being snapped out of existance. And now you’re going to tell me that this issue on one planet is a universe ending crisis? Please. 

doesn’t] think anyone will bat an eyelid hearing the new voices’

Alf is the hero we need.....

RIP Special Agent Broyles. You were one of the good ones.....

This. I argued a similar point in my yet to approved post. Most of the readers here have no concept of legal minutiae. I’m not a lawyer but I have some critical thinking skills. Lots of points are plotted when massive things like this happen. For example that famous case where the elderly woman got like 2m from

I don't think they are saying they owe no money to tye victims I think they are saying instead that pain and suffering can't be used as part of the metric. Also I'm betting they are also being sued for the pain and suffering of the victims FAMILIES, loss or income, spouse not coming home etc. I'm not sure I disagree

Wtf is this. This S3 story line needs more than 1 season to flesh out and they wasted 2 seasons on the shit we had in 1 and 2. This season is great so far. The other 2? What a fking waste.....

I drove my boss’s ‘57 Thunderbird a couple of times and to this day that first red light still keeps me awake at night with, “what if....” Drum breaks are no joke. You need to plan your stops out 5 days and 3 states in advance......


This. 1000x’s this

Show is actually amazing and eminently re-watchable

Nikon D780.

On the nose!

Didnt adult swim already do this ...... HA HA HA......not to scale......

Good. He never should have been removed in the first place.

Sorry. Ur post is logical t/f u are wrong

This is a known issue for Airbus jets. They use Joysticks to fly the plane and they are not linked so when the Captain pulls right the Co-Captains wont move in unison to the original Captain Input. Boeing jets are the exact opposite for safety reasons. While they use a yoke, (it near as makes no diff bec a AirBus stick

The cognitive dissonance with these people would be shocking if it hadn't already left me dead inside. What about Bezos buying The Washington Post. What about how he crushed all reporting in him stepping out on his wife and banging that reporter. So it's only really bad and destructive to humanity when it's not ur guy

My take away today is learning Gen 1 vipers had airbags