
I know. And, I get it. But as someone who has volunteered with alpine and backcountry Search and Rescue for years, we don’t go looking for people based on moral considerations. At the end of the day, these are lost people and we go looking for them. Period.

I love that we’re spending public resources to find a bunch of billionaires stuck on the bottom of the ocean due to their own arrogance and neglect for safety. If any of them survive, they should get a huge bill for the rescue.


Incredibly shocking.

Now that is some real Lionel Hutz lawyerin’ there.

Lawyers argue that victims in the Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max died painlessly, and thus, the airplane manufacturer shouldn’t owe damages to victims’ families

That’s not actually what they’re arguing.

Communism called, they said stfu

As someone commented on my post, the Valet Mode is likely engaged so really there’s very little risk when you add in the helmet and car seat.

The thing that always gets me is that the Soviets were watching us the entire time. If we didn’t go, why didn’t they call us out and embarrass us publicly? They could easily verify whether the claims held up. Hell, you still can. The laser reflectors left by the Apollo astronauts are still there and still in use

You’re such a dumbshit for buying into the fake lie that the moon landings never happened. Jesus fucking christ, grow a goddamn brain already.

Moon hoaxers are some of the absolute dumbest conspiracy theorists, and conspiracy theorists in general are already some of the absolute dumbest people.

I am pretty sure that constellations of satellites will continue to be launched, even if SpaceX were to stop, I’m pretty sure China will be rushing to fill the skies anyways, and give way less of a crap about astronomy.

Who else are you supposed to write for? People who aren’t fans of the show? They’ve got Discovery for that.

Because the fanbase is super welcoming to new ideas and approaches to their favorite franchies.

I mean, have you seen their attempts at doing something new?

Why Star Trek: Picard’s New Main Ship Looks Like the Classic Enterprise

I feel like the list shouldn’t have included one-offs, concepts, Saudi/Brunei commissions, etc. Should have been actual production models and coachbuilt cars from the early days.