
None of this is crazy esp the need to assemble the damn things. Anyone looking at a kitchen remod, even at 30k feet, knows some assembly required with an IKEA kitchen means Turkish bath levels of sweat equity or sweat equity of another sort with a contractor. 

So first off one never pays taxes on assets they haven’t sold. U can hold Microsoft stock from the day MS issued shares and so long as you didn’t sell any you made no profit and t/f need pay no taxes. Same thing with any bit coin one may have purchased at .03 and is now worth 40k.

Dyna Rig or sail. It's super cool

Ur 100% correct. And ur going to get a bunch of the following: “That’s a lot of money that’s not going to the people that made it possible for Bezos to have the boat in the first place.” What people on this blog, who are idiots in general, forget is that it's not the workers who made this boat possible. It's us the

I can’t stand this “x” item sold for a CRAZY INSANE PRICE! HOW NUTZ IS THAT! When it is never about the object in question it's about the tax deduction for Charity. 

MacGyver.....period. the end. There is no better theme. In a decade of great theme songs: A team, Air Wolf.....this one is head and shoulders above the rest

It shocking frankly that an auto writer doesn't understand the trickle down effect regarding cars and technology. It's BECAUSE OF luxury cars that we have all the cheap safety and advance automotive tech in cheap cars. It's because of luxury cars that u can buy a Civic with Lane keep assist and radar cruise control

Another thing no one is getting is it doesn’t make a diff if average Joes retirement inst taxed Bec average Joes money is in the same market that is going to take massive swings in crazy value based on what those 700 people do. Their dumping massive amounts of stock all at once will be cataclysmic.

This has nothing to due with taxing middle class 401k. And that was not s2000's point. And his points should scare u. And all 162 stars as of this writing are from idiots. What he meant was since the bulk of people’s 401ks are in the stock market massive swings in said market will be massively detrimental to the

Taxing unrealized cap gains is like taxing me on the lottery winnings I might have in the future.

That banner head line makes no sense

This was exceedingly handy

Yes he is as are many many others. It’s called Free Speech.....

I had this poster up on my wall when I was in HS. The stuff they concepted back then was amazing. Made us think the future was going to be amazing. 

People are missing the point here. This is damn exciting stuff. If entertainment is the kicked we needed to end up colonizating space then so be it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The fact that it’s partially subsidized by tax payer funds is not a big deal to me. Nor should it be to u. Also I’m glad it was Branson and

I envy u good sir. I long ago realized that any logical or every vaguely pro constitution argument is pretty much not worth the time arguing to protect on these gawker media pages. The VAST majority of commentors on these sites are very left leaning and argue with emotion and not logic. They don’t care for free speech.

STOP! What on earth are u doing! Gizmodo doesn’t care about facts! They care about control. Very few who are against guns have any actual data as to why they hate guns. 

Why even bother commenting on this cesspool of a site. This was as good a shoot as Ive ever seen. Esp when considering the woman being shot was literally about to murder another person. Anyone here in the comments who argues with u is simply a racist. Who give a shit what color she is. This site literally has no other

If u listen to Pool for not 5 minutes u would know he's not right wing. This is more of a hit peice then anything.

It didn't fit his narrative so he didn't need to write it. Idiots ...