Tzaischem l'shalom....
Tzaischem l'shalom....
Say what you will about the song but the vid has aged very well.
I lived outside tel nof airforce base in israel back in 2000. The fighters would go supersonic every once in a while and it would be super cool to watch the windows and doors slam shut accross campus as the shockwave zipped by.
Based my understanding of the “rules” chicago and NYC were really the only options. But as a Chicagoan holy crap do i not want HQ2 to come here even if we offer zero incentives. These companies dont need tax breaks like this. Its insane. There is a happy medium between a place like LA and California taxing the crap…
Based my understanding of the “rules” chicago and NYC were really the only options. But as a Chicagoan holy crap do…
Lady drivers...amiright.....
Jewish population in Europe went from around 9million to less then 3million.
No. The reactor had not yet beeb fueled. Thier concern was IF they waited to long AND they still decided to hit the reactor it would have caused fall out etc
The only thing i would change with what you wrote is everything.
Best part? Video courtesy of Mrs. Schure
Maybe im wrong here but isnt it the differnce between the msrp of the car and the gavel price. literally couldnt not be more wrong.
Im betting it will look much better in person.
Me likes. Even if the rear screams Toyota Highlander
In case anyone is wondering they didnt provide the real name of Lt. R and thereby break security protocals:
Who does this......why even do this to what is basically a commodity automobile.
Seems like the guys a jerk no doubt. But the man gets shit done.
Same. Although i got mine about 8 months after my kids were born and decided to get 1.5m. I figure my wife and kids should live a good life with no worries if i get taken out gd forbid
And who cares if he did say it. Has he shown any racist actions? PC culture is going to eat its self
I always read the negative reviews when I’m really looking into a purchase. Most of the time they are not about the object but about some other thing or event that has no bearing on the thing in question.
Shouldn’t there be some kind of Red Flag equivalent for new drivers. Get all the stupid out in realistic but safe conditions and then go out into the real world ready to drive and not die.