In the USA maybe, but internationally no it isn’t. In the UK, admittedly a country with high taxes etc on petrol and diesel, we’re seeing a low for our year with petrol at around £1.12 per litre or $5.61/US Gallon.
In the USA maybe, but internationally no it isn’t. In the UK, admittedly a country with high taxes etc on petrol and diesel, we’re seeing a low for our year with petrol at around £1.12 per litre or $5.61/US Gallon.
IDK If Fancy Kristen and David Tracey had a baby then once it was an adult it’d own 5 RRs all in various stages of disrepair.
The headline is as well, most peoples old drives will probably be optical hard drives from desktops that’ll use a 3.5" drive not 2.5".
The headline is as well, most peoples old drives will probably be optical hard drives from desktops that’ll use a…
If it’s not busy and you explain what the drink is what’s the problem? I may well be ignorant but I thought most of the problem was from people presuming the “Secret menus” are gospel not people politely asking for a couple of additions to a drink.
I don’t know about the others but Nerdcubed was fairly blatantly poking fun at it. He has had two series on bad games before now before stopping making new ones last time he refreshed his channels.
It’s a shite game. They allow Huniepop which is almost as bad but has at least some game in there. They also allow GTA which still has Nudity. I don’t mind that Valve took this down but I’d rather it was because they were cracking down on quality not for some bizarre reason about nudity.
Well there’s hypocrisy both sides of the divide.
Basically any old European city isn’t going to suit cars well to be honest.
The American system is, in a way, worse. You have to have some kind of insurance and people have been bankrupted by having to get a medical procedure. There are multiple countries in Western Europe (France, Germany etc) that have some socialised health care but some procedures aren’t free. The UK has gone one step…
VW own Audi, it can still be a cartel if you want.
I’d say old Lifehacker was more about technology than generic Life hacks but I definitely agree that they should go back to their roots.
This seems like the kind of article that could already fit on one of LHs sub-blogs as well (IE Vitals) so it isn’t even like they’d have to start yet another sub-blog.
I thought that the American view of Upper Class people was more closely linked to our idea of upper-middle class than landed gentry and other people in the upper classes. Therefore it’d be more useful to translate into American English since most Brits would already know what I was saying.
Could you provide names because I’m kinda interested.
Yeah, but if we get enough hydrogen for car use we can use Hydrogen Fuel Cells instead. I know that Fuel Cells produce just water and though a Hydrogen ICE would be less efficient and produces some NOx
Yeah, houses are very expensive in the UK especially in London and affluent suburbs.. The South East while a lot cheaper still has an average price of £319,368 or $418042. The UK as a whole has an average price of £145,933 or $191021.
Currently just sales, as far as I’m aware they haven’t stated whether used sales will count or not but it’d be pretty shocking if they do.
Probably in 23 years we will find out that’s the approach the government will take but if you say that publicly then manufacturers, especially high end ones, might not really bother with electric cars, or make half-arsed ones, and just make do with higher taxes.
The ban isn’t for cars, just cars powered by Petroleum or Diesel. The wording is bad but conventional car here, I presume, just refers to the ICE as opposed to cars as a concept.
Yeah, that isn’t going to happen. Natural Gas is already lumped in with Coal when talking about power plants. There is no way that’ll be anything but niche. It’d be like proposing LPG is the replacement for Petrol and Diesel cars.