Oliver Baker

In the USA maybe, but internationally no it isn’t. In the UK, admittedly a country with high taxes etc on petrol and diesel, we’re seeing a low for our year with petrol at around £1.12 per litre or $5.61/US Gallon.

No, not at all. What actually happens, at least in the UK, is an attendant in the corner shop facing the pumps activates the pump once it’s in the car. I think I was getting confused from pumping gas not really being a term here. I don’t know if it’s just plugging the hose into your car or something else but all you’d

I know this is confusing but by self service I meant the pump is electronic and you pay at the pump, like self-service checkouts at the supermarket, I don’t know a word for it really (Wikipedia seems to suggest Unmanned) but it’s basically the norm in the UK now.

Is electronic pumping (I don’t know if that’s the right word) not a thing in America. I kinda know New Jerseys law on it but in the UK and France all the petrol stations (Gas stations) I can think of had self-service pumps where you don’t have to pump petrol.

I couldn’t find any conclusive proof one way or another, but it doesn’t do any harm to try it so you may as well check.

Probably depends how you got it. If you bought it outright then probably. If you got an update from 7,8 or the insider preview then probably not.

Provided Apple haven’t overwritten this for your desktop you can probably save 2 seconds and type defaults write location ~/Desktop instead. 

Did you upgrade from Win 7 or 8. I don’t know but I have a feeling the digital upgrade didn’t give you a product key instead registering direct with MS.

At least for me Win X only give me powershell and powershell admin. Admittedly most techies seem to consider PS to be better than CMD anyway but cmd, at least for me, loads faster.

Still works for me. I’m on 10 Pro so that could be why but it seems unlikely.

IDK If Fancy Kristen and David Tracey had a baby then once it was an adult it’d own 5 RRs all in various stages of disrepair.

Signature isn’t the right word then. That’s typically associated with hashes. A flag may well work but they’d have to be careful how they do it if they don’t want to enrage people on extremes of the political spectrum.

They aren’t even deleting the videos.

Videos could be assigned a hash but that wouldn’t really prevent this. Hashes by design change massively when just one bit of data is changed.

There has been net-neutrality laws for around 2 years now. The government may not be perfect but they are better, at least to the people, than your monopolies that you have supplying high-speed internet. Would you like it if your ISP decided that Kinja would now cost an extra $30 per month because they could do that

The two go together as many people believe using Nuclear, or Renewables is the way to reduce our impact. Nuclear isn’t perfect in regards to the supply but the USA and NA have a far higher amount of Uranium than fossil fuels. Renewables each country has a large amount with no one country having lots more without

The headline is as well, most peoples old drives will probably be optical hard drives from desktops that’ll use a 3.5" drive not 2.5".

The headline is as well, most peoples old drives will probably be optical hard drives from desktops that’ll use a

Mail in voting still means you have to do it on a per person basis though and as it lets people vote i’d say the benefits outweigh the risks. I’d say the main problem is the fact that e-voting, especially online voting, could change thousands or millions of results. A single vote is rarely going to change much but

Now playing

There are lots of problems with electronic voting though, and if you have to go to a physical booth you still have to queue waiting to vote.

The UK doesn’t even go as far as Paper and Ink. We still use pencils so that no one can swap the pen provided with one using invisible ink.