Oliver Baker

Only if you instead pay more subsidies to fossil fuels.

Humans were around during the last ice age

The placebo effect will still work with homeopathic pills, so they might have a tiny bit of truth in their answer albeit not for the reasons they’d be writing about.

1) Consistent good comments, then if you get followed by any writer or the blog overall you’re out of the greys. AFAIK that’s the only way.

Not one of the writers but knowing you’re attempting to go to very old cities with many very thin streets you probably want the smallest car you can get away with. The VW polo and Up and meant to be very good sub-compacts, I know the Opel adam is small but no idea how good it is. Citroen and Peugeot have multiple

Consistent good comments so a writer, blog or sub blog follows you is as far as I’m aware the only way to leave the greys permanently.

Fairly sure it’s because it’s a fan subsite on Kinja. Lifehackers hackerspace also can’t be found from the main Lifehacker site so unless somethings crossposted it won’t appear on the main site.

I know this is an unpopular view but i’m not really sure Jalopnik is big enough to survive on its own. At least as a full time job. Also if Jalop keeps foxtrot alpha there’d still be quite a lot of political articles.

Because Britian knows better than all it’s damn ex-colonies (minus India and Australia)

I don’t think so, apparently it’s around 2 days after first showing.

I’ve not got any data but i’d imagine some men would feel happier knowing only other men are in the same gym as them.

I’m not claiming it isn’t sexist but I don’t think it really matters. It isn’t the first sceening of the film at that cinema, which is apparently 2 days before. Also I think people were saying it’s got multiple screens so may well have a normal showing running at basically the same time.

This post is from 2010 as is the comment chain you’re replying to. Back then the Kotaku Comments system needed an @ to show who you were replying to.

EDIT: Realised Giz wasn’t just talking about the ability to type in Google Assistant

It is, in hindsight I should’ve emphasised new. Google Now, I’d say, can be classed as a competitor to Siri so claiming Google launched a competitor last year is a little misleading.

Don’t think so, It seems more like Googles slow rollout approach to things. They’ve had Google Now for a while and it already acted fairly similar to Siri, including having a keyword to activate it. It seems like Gizmodo have got an IOS user to write the Article or are presuming most people reading Gizmodo haven’t

I’d call Google assistant an evolution of Google Now as opposed to a new competitor to siri.

Incredibly unlikely, it’ll probably stay supported for at least 5 more years if not more. Even if it does become unsupported they’ll probably include software to transcode from MP3 to M4A. 

It was probably the recent Google Phising Attempt