Oliver Baker

Yes but the problem is the Windows store has many of those rip offs without the official app. I remember for a while (before their was a VLC app for the Windows market) that many people wrote programs calling themselves VLC in the hope people thought it was official.

They were announcing it at a dev conference. I’ve no idea why Giz has decided Build isn’t mostly a developer conference but they have.

It depends how your google drive/dropbox folders are configured. You’d know if you’re infected as your PC won’t boot. If you’re running windows vista and up there are security updates from march that stopped it. As far as I know it didn’t work against windows 10 ever.

Technically Facebook aren’t wrong either. It is generalising against against a sex which by their definition is hate speech. I’m not saying that this is strong and could quite easily be taken as a joke but (provided they are doing it equally) they can take it down.

Technically no, in a use case that it would be used on Facebook quite possibly. Although it needs to focus on a group to be hate speech. Just saying for example “my ex is a bitch” or “My ex is trash” wouldn’t.

I think Men would actually fall under Sex but it’s still very much a straw mans argument.

As others have said that isn’t how Facebook works. They won’t have people checking posts that have been reported straight away and will err on the side of caution if something is reported. I’m not saying that’s how it should be done but it is worth noting that is how all major social networks deal with problems like

Problem is free speech isn’t an argument at all for either side. Facebook AFAIK, being a company, don’t have to follow free speech laws and could if they wanted to only allow posts that they have defined as hate speech. If they actually tried to shareholders would probably stop it but technically there is nothing

So you’d rather you don’t know how good a Bethesda game is before buying it? Admittedly most of their games are good and single player so you could just wait but some people may then get plot points spoiled. The point of a review isn’t to help the publisher, it’s to help the consumer. Them having a blanket refusal of

To be honest it sort of makes sense even if crash history didn’t kill resale values. For example if you had a car made out of the strongest steel they can get for the price versus one with multiple crumple zones then it seems clear that if they both hit a tree (for example) at around 30MPH the one with the crumple

In comparison to 52/48 for brexit and 46/48 for trump it seems like a lot. This vote wasn’t exactly 100 people. 31,397,916 had valid votes. The definition of landslide is in many countries quite vague. In the UK you can win a landslide victory without getting 50% of votes. EG in 1997 where Labour won with a landslide

EDIT Apparently you need to check that an app called Google Doc or Google Docs didn’t gain access to your account recently, you can check at If it has click on it then click remove. You may then want to change your password again just to be on the safe side but it

If you didn’t type your password in you’re fine. If not change your password immediately. 

The whole point of this attack being more convincing is as it’s hosted on googles servers it gets to use the domain

It isn’t always to the left. The US already has a right bias so most sites based in another country may seem left leaning but Fox and Brietbart and across the pond most of Murdochs stuff is quite right wing for it’s respective country. Also this is a cross post from a different blog “”

It’s a cross post from Vitals. I agree Kinja should be more clear when an article is cross posted but to be honest i’d damn well expect a blog that talks about health and is based in the US to mention any changes that may happen to health insurance and other stories about it.

Cross post from vitals. They talk about health of course they’ll write an article about health insurance.

If you argue life is precious before the babies born surely it’s more so afterwards.

No it isn’t the Lifehacker you’ve read since 2008, it’s actually a cross post from vitals with a different logo which talks about health so of course they’ll mention health insurance policies.

In your car analogy it’s like paying for others that are insured by your insurance company which is what happens.