
Investment? It’s not like you’re wearing them to get a job you otherwise wouldn’t get wearing other shoes. And since you can’t walk in them all day, they can’t be worn as work shoes.

They’re not an investment in the usual sense of the word at all. The only investment here is your happiness.

Um, if you read the article, she claims that wearing cheap shoes for a movie she did about a working mom ruined her feet. So if she’s trashing anything, it’s cheap shoes that working moms wear, according to her.

I think the materials count more than the brand name. Leather shoes last a long time (sorry vegeterians and vegans).

There are over-the-counter sleeping pills, so off-label use is not necessary.

To be fair, NOBODY should be taking Benadryl “regularly”. If you have to take Benadryl regulary, you have some medical issues that need to be addressed.

Again, how does her background show that she’s a qualified candidate for the program?

Fair enough, however that does not absolve Columbia of granting admission to a person who seems to have no qualification to be there.

I’m supposed to trust my healthcare to companies that pay their workers minimum wage, and in the case of Walmart treats their employees flagrantly and apologetically like shit?

None of that contradicts what I have said. FEMA is not authorized to DIRECTLY help people until the governor writes to them. FEMA regularly gives away to charities, but is not authorized to directly help people by bringing in the giant water trucks that they used in Katrina, for instance.


Also, since this apparently needs to be said: do not get medical care at Walgreens or Walmart.

No, they’re not. FEMA sent 4 people to just “observe” because Snyder hasn’t formally written to FEMA requesting help.

Sorry, but the governor IS to blame politically. Not only because Synder put Michigan in a state of emergency for 7+ years to undermine the democratic process and skirt accountability, but because even now Synder has refused to formally write to FEMA to get water trucks in there.

Federal aid does not necessarily mean FEMA. As a matter of fact, Snyder never wrote to FEMA at all. That’s why there are no water tanks and people have to rely on water bottles.

How about the fact that he technically put the state under emergency management since he took office (even though there was no emergency at the time), just so people would have to report to him instead of to their town councils, thus undermining the democractic nature of government?

They did not fully request federal aid.

You’re not supposed to rinse/drink water after rinsing with mouthwash, not toothpaste.

Newsflash - that’s valid for ALL high paying jobs in ANY industry. People hire their friends, and upon recommendations, not talent.

A $2000+ Mac is hardly cheap.

I doubt that this is the room of a college student.

You’re right; Being a reactionary so you can win over that most prized audience, the Anonymous Internet Commenter, is a much better life management strategy.