
What you don’t seem to get, even if the face of indisputable statistics, is that your perception is screwed up. For the VAST majority of the country, being able to pay off your mortgage in 5-10 years, having excellent retirment benefits and excellent health benefits while working is a LUXURY.

For starters, average =/= median

Yeah, there are actually. Where is this magically expensive place that pays elementary school teachers $100K to work part time and yet you consider it poor because of the astronomical cost of living?

Dude, a part time ELEMENTARY school teacher who makes $100K has it pretty good even by Manhattan standards, where UNIVERSITY professors don’t even make that much.

Where a person lives DOES matter, but it’s also their CHOICE to live in an expensive area when they could live somewhere cheaper and commute to work. Plenty of people who can’t afford to live in Manhattan commute to their Manhattan jobs from Queens, NJ and upstate NY. The train system wasn’t just built for tourists.

There is never a WRONG day to talk about cheese, yo.

And if you’re wondering how that fertility thing turned out, I chose Lupron to mitigate the effects of chemo on my current egg supply. If I had chosen to freeze an embryo, that would have cost me $7000-$8000 + storage cost of $300/year.

Forgot to add: cosmetic procedures that you pay for are done at private clinics, and are usually done by doctors that work (or have worked) in hospitals. The waiting time is no different than in the US for private clinics.

Elective procedures fall into 2 categories: cosmetic and medical-based.

The thing is that you gotta ask, and basically say yes to all resource specialists that the nurses tell you about referrals. They have financial help people that can tell you what income assistance programs you can apply for, housing stuff if you live far from the hospital, social work and mental health stuff, etc.

Here’s the thing: if you live in a wealthier county, you don’t have to live in equally fancy houses as your wealthier neighbors. “I can’t afford shit because I have to keep up with the Joneses” doesn’t make a 6 figure salary middle class.

I’m kinda glad she made it because it only underscores how classy Bernie has behaved towards her mom.

As someone who lives in Canada, and currently deals with the healthcare system more than I like because of breast cancer diagnosis, I can tell you that no, you don’t get stuck with a doctor you don’t like.

Isn’t snatching defeat from the jaws of victory kinda her track record, though?

To be fair here, “middle class” according to Hillary are also people who are earning $100k-250K, well over twice the average salary.

Maybe the real question is how can you really trust her when her policy proposals for Wall Street involve piddly things like taxing high frequency traders and enact margin requirements for repos.

Wait, wait, wait that twerp Ronan Farrow still has a show? Didn’t he get cancelled?

I dunno, maybe that intern who did the abuela listicle is busy talking to Eva Longoria to let Hilary guest star on Telenovela (or whatever her show is called now).

The problem with that line of reasoning is that people have no issues with journalists protecting their sources and not reveal anything about who/where/how they were able to score a big get. They have no issue with VICE or Frontline meeting a scret locations with Taliban fighters, psychiatrists who aided in torturing

Escept they wouldn’t have caught him if it wasn’t for Sean Penn and Kate del Castillo. And I’m not even going to mention the fact that the manhunt for him (which included US special ops people) hurt a shitload of civilians by basically carpet-bombig them.