
Yeah but do you know how many undetected rapists there are?

Even then, did Phi Kappa Psi suffer that much? NO ONE WAS NAMED. Their house was vandalized yes, but is that worth $25 million?

Eh I wouldn’t say ‘everything is cast in doubt.’ Come on. The campus rape movement has been going strong since this fiasco. It was one rape story that didn’t check out. That’s like saying we shouldn’t trust robbery accusations now that Ryan Lochtelied.

This case is a lot more complex than the media and everyone has made it out to be. Yes everyone, there was truth to the article. UVA AND Dean Eramo were torn apart in a department of Education finding which determined Eramo had created a ‘hostile environment’ for survivors. Eramo has also received a raise, so I’m not

I believe you <3

She did mean to do that.

I do feel, a little bit, sorry for sabrina.

People think defamation lawsuits are easy to win. Eramo is a public figure. She has to prove Erderly KNEW THE STORY was false to win this. I will be very surprised if she gets any money, honestly. 

The thing that really annoys me is that a lot of what was said about Eramo was true. Maybe victims liked her, but she wasn’t holding rapists accountable. NO ONE was expelled while she was chair of the misconduct board at UVA. Why aren’t people talking about this??

Exactly. It’s clear she has a big-time personality disorder, which often has its roots in trauma.

The thing that really kills me about this case, and something people miss because we live in a black/white world without nuance, is that there were MAJOR PROBLEMS with how UVA handled sexual assault. Let’s not forget that UVA was under investigation and the Feds determined Eramo contributed to a hostile environment on

Omg Madeleine. You too? You can NOT FIND SOMEONE INNOCENT. You can THINK someone is innocent, but the courts can not find ANYONE innocent. they can only find someone ‘not guilty’ (ie, there wasn’t enough evidence to convict.). Why don’t people get this??

I think it’s pretty damn clear she’s severly mentally ill, with a probable personality disorder (I’m guessing borderline). And I wouldn’t be surprised if the root of her personality disorder was sexual abuse at some point in her life. I honestly feel bad for her. She was a 20 year old student with mental health

Because human beings have incredibly short memories, we also seem to have forgotten that Nicole Eramo was called out in the Dept of Ed’s Title IX report for ‘creating a hostile enivornment.” There was truth to Erderly’ story, like it enough. Unfortunately, we live in a click-bait culture, people can’t think in greys,

I was JUST going to say that!! Rape is the ONLY crime where we demand multiple victims! What dafuq?? She bled from her mouth! She was all torn up! She had bruises and was even torn inside of her mouth!! RIDICULOUS!! Do people honestly believe women like this kind of sex? Come. On.

You just summed this up perfectly :)

It really bugs me when people say that “rape cases are harder to prove.” This is what cops and DAs say to get people off their backs, and we as a society have bought into it. But the thing is, detectives don’t go up to a drug dealer and ask him if he’s selling drugs, and when the dealer says no, walk away. They don’t

Two things. First, for many survivors, reporting IS a gatekeeping process by which they can get access to counseling, medical services, etc. I’m a victim advocate, and yes the police can suck, but they do give survivors a pamphlet of resources. Right now the advocacy center is working with the police to train them on

The idea that these guys suffered harm when they weren’t even named, let alone arrested or convicted, is hysterical to me. They worst thing that happened to them was their multi-million dollar house was vandelized, which yeah sucks, but irreparable harm? Come. On.

Which brings me to a point I’ve been wanting to make

Yup. She wanted the perfect story to connect with the Liz Seccuro case, even though there were several times when Jackie wasn’t responding to Erdely and it became pretty clear she didn’t want to be part of the story.