...I was replying to a post about white women voting for Trump. I’m aware no demographic has clean hands.
...I was replying to a post about white women voting for Trump. I’m aware no demographic has clean hands.
The main thing they have in common with Isis, is that they want to have power and control over others, to hurt as they want. That’s the root of every group of evil fucks in the world. They decide “We’re the best, everyone else is inferior to us and we want to hurt them”.
Hi Ceezy. Yeah, it’s sometimes really hard to know what to do to try and make things better. I’m white, but I’ll do what I can to answer you.
So you come to an explicitly black space to make fun of people suffering under racism. Nice.
As a fellow white person, I’m going to guess...non-white people want us to stop believing we’ve done enough.
Assuming the voting figures mirror the population demographics...around half of American white women failed to vote. That means they looked at the racist misogynist kleptocrat candidate and went “meh, don’t care”. They ignored the fears of non-whites, immigrants, Muslims and LGBTQIA people, who were all pleading for…
The majority of straight white men who voted, voted for Trump. Around 67%, I believe. That’s not a fringe, that’s a fucking majority. And all those people were OK with voting for a man who was explicitly racist throughout his campaign and was praised and endorsed by David fucking Duke.
I don’t think they want non-white people to disappear - that wouldn’t be any fun. They want to be able to hurt non-white people. They want non-white people to be legally inferior, with no rights, to have to take any and all mistreatment the Mighty Whitey feels like dishing out.
-you know how people criticized obama for not calling terrorist radical Islamic terrorist? I thought we had to name things to defeat them. So the right should call these people what they are.
While teaching, I knew one child who was very behind in literacy and numeracy. He scored above average on a standardised test. It was multiple choice, and he’d made lucky guesses.
I feel the “fire and fury” comment may have tipped the balance. Pence is less likely to start a nuclear war by accident.
It’s not a social media problem - it’s a parenting problem. The girls who did this were fine with playing a mean trick on a sleeping peer. They may have gotten the idea from social media, but the fact they actually carried it out is all on them.
My son’s high school athletics team was lighting each other’s farts, and one guy got his arse hair set on fire. He wasn’t hurt, but did have a bald patch on his butt.
I’d overlooked that. Of course you’re right, there would have been black men serving in the military who died because of this strike. I’m in still horrified the main organisers weren’t shot as saboteurs.
That image pleases me.
Oh, I know most of them know what they’re doing and don’t care. But if I call them out in public, a few things will happen.
There’s a war against my brother & other biologists where social justice is threatening their families if they don’t
tow a PC lineresist the urge to say racist shit where everyone can hear them.
Your scenario depends on the man being civilised when told the woman he finds attractive is transgender. Ask any transwoman how likely that is.
It sounds like a good analogy would be alcohol addiction; many people have a huge problem giving up because all their human interactions are built on drinking.
My favourite was Donnerys Trumpgaryen.